May 28, 1958  
May 28, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight



Broadcasting The WORLD TOMORROW
Publishers of The PLAIN TRUTH

May 28, 1958

Dear Brethren of God's Church:

   Again GREETINGS!, in Jesus' name. Right on the heels of my letter of May 20, I have to send you another EMERGENCY letter. A very serious emergency has just come up in getting our new Tabernacle started.

   I have just had another long distance call from the builders in Columbus, Nebr. They do all their financing thru their local bank, and their bank insists that they must have a down payment, right now, of $100,000. I had offered them a down payment of $70,000. We have that sum in the bank in a special fund for this purpose.

   The Behlen Company are financing the entire building for us, and they are sub-letting to other contractors the concrete, electric wiring and fixtures, brick laying, plumbing, heating, carpentry, etc., all of which they must pay partly in advance, and pay in full upon completion. This means they must pay out to others $125,544 BEFORE the Feast of Tabernacles. On the terms I offered them—with $12,000 a month in payments, they would not have enough to pay out these other bills for us.

   They are willing to split this into two equal payments of $56,000 each, both to be paid by June 15th. Their terms call for the $100,000 to be a MAY payment, even tho May is almost over, and they will want the $12,000 June payment by June 15th. That means we have to raise an EXTRA $30,000 in ten days or two weeks, beside the $12,000 JUNE payment.

   Brethren, after having gone this far, we simply CANNOT give up, now. There are going to be between 1,500 and 2,000 NEW members at the Feast this fall. NEVER before has God blessed us with such a harvest of new converts as this year. Our baptizing teams already have about 1,500 on the list to be baptized—and more pouring in by mail every day! THINK OF IT! We have had about 5,000 members. God is giving us about 2,000 MORE this one year. For the first time in these latter days God is adding to the Church in numbers somewhere near those of apostolic days, when 3,000 were converted one day, and 2,000 another. This is something to REJOICE over! The angles are shouting for joy—and so ought we. We simply HAVE to have this new larger Tabernacle. We have raised more than $42,000 in ten days before. With God's blessing we can again now! I have to call on every one of you to DIG DOWN DEEPER—make ADDITIONAL SACRIFICES!—and to PRAY YOUR HEART OUT over this in real DEAD EARNEST! Please PRAY as you never did before—put your whole HEART into it—and BELIEVE!

   Once again I have to ask you, if some of you who have it but feel you cannot GIVE it outright, to LOAN the Church $5,000, or $10,000, or a smaller amount. Maybe some have sums of cash you planned to WILL to the Church, and some arrangement could be made to put it in the Church NOW! Call me long distance about it and let's see if a satisfactory way can be worked out. We must leave no stone unturned. This is a DESPERATE EMERGENCY! We only have ten days or two weeks to raise it.

   And for the MANY who do not have any large sums of money, REMEMBER, every single dollar COUNTS! Don't think even a single dollar is too little to send, if you are unable to send more. Just PRAY and send all you can—and then PRAY again, asking God to make it possible for OTHERS to send in more, and to make their hearts willing!

   This is once when WE must respond like God's people did back in Moses' day! We MUST—we CAN with God's help—WE WILL!

With deep love, and in sure FAITH,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: May 28, 1958
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