February 23, 1959  
February 23, 1959 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

BOX 111, Pasadena, California

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

CHICAGO, February 23, 1959

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

   Here is the BIGGEST NEWS I have ever had for you!!!


   I am in Chicago, returning from New York, on our annual tour visiting the major radio stations which broadcast The WORLD TOMORROW. For two reasons this BIG NEWS cannot wait until I return to Pasadena a week from now. First, it is TOO IMPORTANT to delay another week; and second, I have received a long distance call from Pasadena informing me that income or money to carry on God's great work has dropped off so alarmingly this past week that everyone at headquarters in Pasadena is fasting and praying that God will move on the hearts of Co-Workers to come to the rescue immediately.

   This is not just one single bit of news, but actually several. So let me lead up to it in order. I want you to realize the full IMPORTANCE of it. I think it is the BIGGEST thing that God has ever caused to happen for HIS WORK in these last days!

   Jesus Christ has called YOU, as an individual, and ME, and each of the others in our family of Co-Workers, and commissioned YOU, with us and WITH CHRIST, to preach and publish HIS Gospel of the Kingdom of God in ALL THE WORLD for a witness unto ALL NATIONS! (Matt. 24:14 and Mark 13:10.)

   For years I want to tell you that I have looked at those three words "UNTO ALL NATIONS," and realized it means EVERY nation. Now, for example, that means RUSSIA, and Communist Red CHINA, and SPAIN. And yet every door for getting Christ's own Gospel into these three nations was CLOSED TIGHT!

   Do you know, dear Co-Workers, that every possible avenue for getting past that Iron Curtain into RUSSIA had been closed and blockaded so totally that at times I was tempted to wonder if maybe God wouldn't overlook it if we failed to find a way to get His Message to the Russian people! Surely God could not expect the impossible! But we must remember that our God is the ALL-Mighty God—the miracle-working God—and He has said (Rev. 3:7-8), that He will OPEN DOORS for us! Yet no door was open.

   In February, 1947, Mrs. Armstrong and I went to Europe to search out ways of getting the Message into Britain and Europe. There were absolutely NO radio doors open over there anywhere! It was discouraging. But when God's time came, at the end or our first 19-year time-cycle of broadcasting (it was after exactly 19 years that God "OPENED A DOOR" for the Apostle Paul to take the Gospel to Europe, in 50 A.D.), then ON THE VERY WEEK that was the 19th anniversary of our first broadcast, we started on the most powerful station in Europe at that time—Radio Luxembourg!

   Three years ago we went to Spain, but we found Fascist Dictator Franco has CLOSED EVERY DOOR for any kind of religion except the Roman Catholic. Yet a little later God opened the SUPER-power Radio International at Tangier, just across the Strait of Gibraltar from Spain—BUT IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. We still were not reaching many in Spain.

   Also some two or three years ago God opened the super-power door of Chiang Kai-Shek's RADIO TAIWAN, which now beams The WORLD TOMORROW twice weekly across the Bamboo Curtain into RED CHINA.

   But, at last, while in New York this past week, come the BIG NEWS!

   First. Radio Tangier opened its doors to us now to begin broadcasting to SPAIN in the SPANISH LANGUAGE! Franco does not control Tangier or its great radio station which is heard all over Europe!

   And then, Co-Workers, HOLD YOUR BREATH!!!—here is the BIGGEST NEWS!!!—Altho the United States government has been spending hundreds of millions to broadcast the message of Democracy to Russia by the powerful transmitters of the "VOICE OF AMERICA," the Kremlin has spent many more millions to construct gigantic more powerful transmitters to JAM the "Voice of America." so it cannot be heard in Russia. Then the U.S. builds still additional radio transmitters on new wave-lengths, but the Russians immediately build more powerful transmitters to JAM them, and BLACK OUT the message of Democracy.

   The B.B.C. of Great Britain has had the same experience. The Russians have JAMMED THEM OUT! Thousands have contributed to "RADIO FREE EUROPE" in an effort to broadcast religion and democracy messages into Russia. But the Russians have JAMMED THEM OUT!

   Until we were in New York the other day, this was the situation. It seemed hopeless. But THIS is GOD'S WORK! This is GOD'S Program! And God is a miracle-working God. He says HE will OPEN DOORS for HIS Message!


   Here is the TREMENDOUS NEWS!! There is one little tiny nation in Europe which Russia considers too insignificant to notice, the little nation of Monaco, made famous by the marriage of movie actress Grace Kelly with its prince, and the birth of their son, which saved this little nation's independence. Well, this little nation NOW has a super-super-power radio station more powerful than Radio Luxembourg—the most powerful in Europe—EIGHT TIMES more powerful than our biggest in the United States. It is Radio Monte Carlo with 400,000 watts of power, BEAMED DIRECTLY ON MOSCOW, RUSSIA! Beside this, there are two very powerful short- wave stations, also beamed, on different wave-lengths, on Russia.

   The Russians have not jammed this giant station. They let its programs come into Russia. God has kept this station FREE for HIS Message! In order to jam it, the Russians would have to construct at least SIX stations in Russia, still more powerful than these three, and beam them directly on Monte Carlo—and this would cost MANY millions of dollars! The Russians want to be on friendly terms with Monaco. There is little chance they will try to block out this station—and if they did, it would take a long time.

   RADIO MONTE CARLO has just opened to us a choice half- hour broadcasting time every Saturday—the BEST possible time because it is the Russians' day off from work! The WORLD TOMORROW program is to be broadcast simultaneously on all three stations into Russia every week at this ideal time!

   WE ARE TO START IMMEDIATELY BROADCASTING TO ALL RUSSIA, IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, ON ALL THREE OF THESE STATIONS—the 400,000-watt standard broadcast, and the two short-wave stations, all at the same hour, 7:00 a.m. in Monte Carlo, which is 9:00 a.m. in Moscow! This will be every Saturday on this super-power station! Thus, we now have the BEST possible time ON THE ONLY BROADCASTING DOOR GOD HAS OPENED TO REACH RUSSIA!

   This is a WORLD FIRST! This is the FIRST TIME that the true Gospel of Christ has ever been allowed to be broadcast into Russia! Think of it! For the first time MILLIONS of the Russian people are going to hear the TRUTH! And God has called YOU and me to be HIS instruments in getting it to them! What a privilege! How wonderfully our GOD does work! He has promised to OPEN DOORS TO US! He has said His Gospel SHALL be preached "UNTO ALL NATIONS." This includes Communist RUSSIA. It includes Fascist SPAIN! It includes RED CHINA!! And now God has opened doors for us to go thru into EVERY ONE!! Already we are broadcasting into EVERY CONTINENT ON EARTH!

   Co-Workers!! Do you see what this means? GOD IS MOVING FASTER AND FASTER in shoving His great Work ahead! THIS MAY MEAN that we are a lot nearer the END of this world than we supposed!!

   This sensational new opportunity means we must move FAST—and with much wisdom! I am asking God for WISDOM to properly USE this most valuable time. The program presented by our New York agents is for me first to record on tape the broadcasts in English, and in New York they will have professional Russian broadcasters translate the messages into Russian, learn to speak in my style, and then re-record the program in the Russian language on tapes, and send them to the station in Monte Carlo to be broadcast into Russia.

   But I find we have here in Chicago several Russian- speaking Co-Workers, either Russian-born or born in a Russian- speaking neighboring country, and I am now making speedy arrangements to bring one or more of them into our service, to thoroughly check what the New York Russian speakers put on their tapes, and, as soon as they are trained and ready, our own men will do all the broadcasting!

   It is certainly a sensational and tremendous miracle the way all this has worked out! It means a great deal more work for me, and my son Garner Ted, who is with me on this trip. IT MEANS MORE MONEY, for this is as costly as any of our most powerful stations. I am going right ahead ON FAITH where Christ has OPENED THE DOOR before us, even in the face of the present financial EMERGENCY which our office has telephoned me about.

   CO-WORKERS, this means A GREAT DEAL MORE RESPONSIBILITY ON YOU, ALSO, for I must now ask YOU, in Jesus' name, to try to sacrifice just a little more—to send in a little MORE than you have been, week by week and month by month.

   GOD IS GOING BEFORE US, PERFORMING UNBELIEVABLE MIRACLES! He is proving again and again that THIS IS HIS WORK!! He is showing TIME IS SHORT! It is LATER THAN WE THINK!! Nothing else is important any more, by comparison. This is the supreme PURPOSE of our LIVES!! Let us DEDICATE our lives to this task ANEW! Let us re-CONSECRATE ourselves to GOD! I know you will come to the rescue of the work with whatever God has made possible—and I know HE WILL GREATLY BLESS YOU!

With deep LOVE, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: February 23, 1959
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