One world leader I now shall never meet was Mao Tsetung, ruler of the largest nation in the world's history. He was known as one of the world's great thinkers and philosophers. Of course, his thinking flowed primarily in the channel of Communism. I should have liked to have invited him to think and compare his philosophy with a scenario of another form of governmental and economic system as yet nonexistent in any nation. It would certainly have given him something to think about! I should have liked to have had a personal visit with Mao Tsetung before he died. I should have liked to ask him to listen to a scenario which might be made into a $50 million movie. It surely would seem as fictitious to him as any movie. Only THIS SCENARIO IS TRUE! Please LISTEN! HERE IT IS, as it might have been: Chairman Mao: "Mr. Armstrong, you are welcome. Come and sit beside me here."
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