December 13, 1963  
December 13, 1963 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

December 13, 1963

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

   I am having to send this urgent letter to you AIR MAIL.

   Once again the stores are jammed—people are indulging in almost frenzied SPENDING—the biggest Christmas shopping splurge of history—people exchanging gifts back and forth between themselves!

   They THINK they are preparing for Christ's BIRTHDAY—a big birthday party for CHRIST! But are they giving their presents to CHRIST?

   NO, they are NEGLECTING Christ and HIS WORK—they are not presenting their gifts to HIM—they are trading them among themselves!

   Isn't this custom a little strange?—that is, wouldn't it seem strange, if you were not so accustomed to it that you just take it for granted?

   Jesus Christ is ALIVE! Christ is active—He is BUSY—He is, right now, directing the MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY ON EARTH, the WORK OF GOD. And this living Jesus has called YOU, and me, to be Co-Workers with Him in this greatest Work on earth. This Work needs the GIFTS of YOUR PRAYERS, and YOUR TITHES AND GENEROUS OFFERINGS, as we come, now, into the very last years of this present world's existence!

   Yet right now people seem so intent on this "spirit of Christmas"—engendered and kept alive by COMMERCIALISM for making PROFITS out of the Christmas SHOPPING SPREE!—that CHRIST'S WORK is neglected.

   Who NEEDS this Christmas-shopping money the most—the stores and mail order houses waxing rich right now, OR JESUS CHRIST FOR THE WORK OF ALMIGHTY GOD?

   Let me tell you something! Fifteen years from now THERE WON'T BE ANY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. The END OF THIS WORLD shall have come! CHRIST shall have come! But ARE THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD PREPARED TO MEET HIM? NO!!! And the time is short and getting shorter! It is LATER THAN YOU THINK! WE are Christ's instruments in preparing the people for His soon COMING!

   Have you read the plain TRUTH about Christmas? The TRUTH is, that it is a pagan custom. It never came from God, from the Bible, from the Apostles. It DOES NOT celebrate Christ's birthday. He was not born December 25th, nor even in the winter. NO ONE KNOWS when He was born—but there is evidence it was probably in September. In the BIBLE, only pagans celebrate birthdays. CHRIST IS NOT IN IT! The Bible CONDEMNS the Christmas tree! These are hard, cold FACTS—but they are FACTS! Get our free booklets about Christmas. You can check the TRUTH in any public library!

   MUST GOD'S WORK SUFFER, at this season when people think they are imbued with a spirit of GENEROSITY? Should not the GENEROUS GIFTS go to the CHRIST people think they are honoring?

   LISTEN! Our carefully compiled records show that the tithes and offerings put into this work by EACH INDIVIDUAL CO-WORKER, on the average, is getting CHRIST'S LAST WARNING MESSAGE out IN POWER, TO TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE! Let's INCREASE it right now! And let's put MORE earnest, intensive, believing PRAYER back of it, that this Work may leap ahead as never before! God is blessing every one who is faithful and loyal in HIS WORK!

   Thank you, dear Co-Workers. This will probably be my last letter to you for this year—and I do THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your faithfulness and generosity through this year. God has BLESSED His Work as never before. THANK YOU!

   ...AND REMEMBER, the mails are clogged and slowed down— AIR MAIL speeds it along! This is so urgent, I am sending it AIR MAIL.

With love in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: December 13, 1963
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