October 28, 1968  
October 28, 1968 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

October 28, 1968

Dear Co-Worker with Christ:

   Again I am writing you from our college campus in England, but will have the letter mailed from Pasadena.

   Dr. Herman L. Hoeh and Mr. Stanley Rader, our legal counsel and financial adviser, are with me. We are flying to Nicosia, Cyprus, and Jerusalem on a very important mission.

   Cyprus radio is opening to us a special transmission band at a good time nightly, seven nights a week, with superpower to reach not only Cyprus, but also Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and probably also Libya and southern Italy.

   But even a more important mission takes us to Jerusalem. A preliminary visit three weeks ago by Dr. Hoeh and Dr. Ernest Martin, Dean of Faculty at the English campus, opened the way to one of the most important scientific and historic contributions to knowledge in this century, as a joint project between Ambassador College and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with Israel Department of Antiquities and government participation. It promises possibility of results of great prophetic importance.

   From the Middle East Mr. Rader and I plan to fly to Tokyo, where the head of our Japanese Department, from our Pasadena campus, is awaiting us. There contacts will be made with important officials toward opening the Work in Japan.

   Our Commission was expressed by Jesus, in Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10 in these words: "And this GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the END (of this world) come." Mark's version says it must be "PUBLISHED." It is being preached by RADIO and TELEVISION, and PUBLISHED by The PLAIN TRUTH, other literature, and our worldwide-impact magazine advertising campaign.

   We have not as yet reached Japan. It is a very important nation. Eight years ago, on a trip to Australia opening up many additional radio stations for The WORLD TOMORROW, accompanied by Mr. Guy Bolam, our New York advertising agent for overseas broadcasting, he asked why we were not reaching Japan. I said then: "Do you realize what a MIRACLE it would take to make it possible for us to reach Japan? We have no one who could do the broadcast now. It would mean that a native-born Japanese, already trained as a radio speaker, would have to be converted, and graduated from Ambassador College. There is no way I could find such a man. There is NOTHING I can do myself. It would take an absolute miracle. God Himself would have to SEND to me the man. Without a miracle, there would not be one chance in a hundred million of it ever happening."

   But IT DID HAPPEN! About four years ago a man from Japan just "happened" to be walking down South Orange Grove Boulevard in Pasadena. He was walking past the high iron fence in front of Ambassador Hall on our campus. He noticed the water fountains and the beautiful Italian formal sunken garden. Then he noticed the small bronze sign on the entrance post, AMBASSADOR COLLEGE. He WAS planning to enroll as a student in an American college or university. He liked the appearance of what he saw. He walked to the Administration Building, asked many questions. He decided to register. But, in previously filling out papers with the United States Immigration authorities so that he could take up residence in the United States, he had made a mistake through misunderstanding. He was denied permission. So he proceeded on to our campus here in England. Here he made no mistake in his application, and the British government allowed him to stay.

   Was this the miracle? No, but it was the start of it.

   He did not mention it to any of us, but he had a friend in Japan who was a radio announcer and speaker. He wrote this friend about Ambassador College. This friend became interested, flew to Pasadena to investigate. He decided to enroll in Ambassador College. He was careful to make no mistake in his application for residence in America. He had sent for his wife and family to come on to America before I even heard of any of this.

   Now, for the past two or three years, this man has not only attended classes, but has had an office on our campus working all his spare time translating a number of our booklets into Japanese.

   He is now awaiting Mr. Rader and me in Tokyo. He has many important contacts there, is able to arrange a meeting between us and important officials. We are now nearing the time to open up the Work full blast in Japan. We will also have conferences with the Reader's Digest officials in Tokyo. All this is another evidence that this is the Work of a much Higher Power than we humans whom God is using as mere instruments of His, doing HIS Work.

   I have received hundreds of enthusiastic letters from Co-Workers who received the color brochure reproducing a few of our ads we are now running in a number of the world's largest circulation magazines and newspapers. Results are absolutely OVERWHELMING from those ads. They have added a readership of nearly 200,000 here in Britain. Our office in Bombay, India, from the first two ads in the English-language INDIA edition of Reader's Digest has been SWAMPED with TWENTY THOUSAND requests for The PLAIN TRUTH and booklets advertised. And so it is around the world.

   And that beautiful brochure we sent you? THAT was seen by officials of the largest mass-circulation magazine in West Germany. It resulted in opening up to us FULL PAGE ADS — large size page — every month, with more than FOUR MILLION COPIES circulation, and probably 15 million German readers! That sure PAID OFF!

   Now I would like to give you an analysis of JUST WHAT your tithes and offerings are accomplishing in God's Work. There is NO OTHER PLACE ON EARTH where every dollar accomplishes SO MUCH! Some Co-Workers, limited to very small incomes, may notice how large this Work has become, and decide their contributions to it are so small they don't count. So I want to show you what JUST THE WIDOW'S MITES accomplish.

Here it is:

THE WIDOW'S MITES: If you are only able to give the widow's mites — $2.00 — and not even that every month — but 10 times a year —

YOU paid the cost of 40 people hearing The World Tomorrow 52 times — or, 2,080 people hearing one half-hour broadcast,  


You pay for the subscriptions for 3 people getting The PLAIN TRUTH one year OR — you get 36 people to read one copy of The PLAIN TRUTH.  


You pay the cost of inducing one student to study the Bible Correspondence Course, completing 9 lessons — OR, you pay for getting 9 students to start the course, receiving the first lesson paid by you.  


You have been one of a little group of 100, each able to give ONLY the widow's 2 mites 10 times a year, and together you paid the cost of bringing 5 new conversions — 5 precious lives going into God's Kingdom with ETERNAL LIFE.  


You shared with only 9 such groups of widows or people of very meager means in putting 4 students through Ambassador College for ONE WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR.

YOU SHARED in adding this year approximately 7,000 new conversions.

   IF your income is BELOW average — say only $400.00 per month (about $93.00 per week), your tithe ALONE paid for 960 people hearing The WORLD TOMORROW 52 times — or 50,000 hearing one half-hour broadcast. IN ADDITION, you paid for a full year's subscription of The PLAIN TRUTH for 72 readers, BESIDES paying for inducing 216 people to start studying the Correspondence Course on Lesson # 1, BESIDES, as one of a little group of 100, each with the same tithe, bringing in 120 precious new lives to God's Kingdom, and your little group of 100 ALONE put 10 students through Ambassador College one year.

   NEVER think that because you are unable to send large sums, your small part in God's Work does not count. This great Work was not built by RICH people, but by average people, including many poor people, ALL TOGETHER getting back of it. It is our COMBINED effort and sacrifice that COUNTS. YOU are HAVING A PART in CHANGING the world, preparing the way for CHRIST, and, when He comes, SAVING THE WORLD!

   BUT — if the widow's MITES, and the below-average-income people's tithes and offerings do SO MUCH, JUST THINK how much MORE the LARGER AMOUNTS put into this Work are accomplishing!

   THINK how much work a larger sum LOANED to this Work does — if you have a large sum you are not free to GIVE OUTRIGHT — but could loan it for one or two years. And, to those who have helped by such loans, if you find you are able to turn it into a DONATION, cancelling the loan, remember it is deductible on your income tax. If you have loaned us a sum to be used in the Work, and find you must ask for some of it to be returned, you will HELP greatly if you ask for only PART of it to be returned at this time. I might add that sound banking practice is considered safe if a bank keeps 10% of deposits in cash reserve for withdrawals demanded by depositors. Frankly, we do not keep all of your loans on reserve for repayment — for that would not help the Work. But we DO keep a reserve of 20% — twice the bank safety level — to guarantee repayment if you are forced to ask for repayment.

   Of course, if you are able to just GIVE a large sum, that helps more than anything. It is our COMBINED EFFORT — ALL TOGETHER — no matter how poor or how rich — that KEEPS THIS GREAT AND GLORIOUS WORK OF GOD GOING! No amount is too small to DO GREAT GOOD! No amount is too large!

   And there is ALWAYS NEED! If there had been half again MORE funds for the Work during the past year, we could have accomplished HALF AGAIN MORE! The need is always URGENT! Could you INCREASE the amount this coming year? We MUST make the coming year at least 30% greater than this past year! THANK YOU for your part — YOU ARE HAVING A VERY IMPORTANT PART in the MOST IMPORTANT WORK ON EARTH!

With love and gratitude, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: October 28, 1968
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