June 02, 1969  
June 02, 1969 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

June 2, 1969

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

   I am a week late getting this letter to you. But the semiannual letter to ALL subscribers to The PLAIN TRUTH was mailed out May 27th and 28th — when this letter should have gone out.

   I'm sure you have received your copy of that letter before now. I hope you have written in for the NEW booklet, "This is AMBASSADOR COLLEGE," although it was not necessary for you to send any request for the NEW magazine, "TOMORROW'S WORLD." As a Co-Worker, you are already on that list.

   TOMORROW'S WORLD is now ready — your copy may have been mailed even before this letter can be. THIS IS A WONDERFUL ADDITION TO THIS GREAT WORK! Be SURE to read my "Personal from the Editor" page. It will explain the change we have made in The PLAIN TRUTH. This new change makes it possible for us to get Christ's Gospel message to the 95% of the world's population that CANNOT be reached by a religious-sounding magazine or broadcast. We ARE now getting this message to them — in a LANGUAGE THEY WILL LISTEN TO.

   Then, for those who DO want the stronger spiritual food, we have offered TOMORROW'S WORLD. I have offered it to ALL subscribers of The PLAIN TRUTH — almost two million of them.

   I am writing this letter on the plane as I fly to New York — and then at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning on to Jerusalem again, where the largest and most important archaeological excavation ever undertaken is under way on a large scale. This letter must be short so I can mail it airmail to Pasadena, and they can forward it on to you.

   Now I have to tell you I was shocked and discouraged on receiving the financial report for May from our business office. For the first time I can remember, the report showed the GAIN in income for the month over the same month a year ago was exactly ZERO!!!

   That report hit me as if a mule had kicked me in the stomach! Co-Workers! — Brethren in Christ! — are you going to let me down — are you going to let the living Christ down? Do you want this great worldwide Work — the greatest Gospel Work EVER to go out to the world — to have to STOP? This sick, sick world is reeling on its last legs. There is every sign about us everywhere that THE END OF THIS WORLD is almost HERE! WHAT is it going to take to WAKE US UP? This is absolutely TRAGIC! It is a CALAMITY! WHAT is it going to take to make us see that NOTHING else is important, now, by comparison. WHAT will it take to make us PUT THE WORK OF GOD FIRST, before worldly pleasures and interests? Must God shake us with a worldwide EARTHQUAKE? I just don't understand it. In the name of Jesus Christ I call on you to COME TO THE RESCUE QUICK! He is moving forward — opening more and bigger doors before us. WE MUST WALK THROUGH where He leads!

   At Headquarters we are doing all WE can. The new magazine is now out! We are trying to feed YOU the precious spiritual food, and at the same time get the last warning message TO THE WORLD! We try to serve YOU as well as those we ask you to HELP us serve.

   And one way we are prepared to serve YOU that many of you may not realize is this: As a part of the ADULT EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM, explained in this new booklet, we now have TRAINED MEN — graduates of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE — available in all parts of the United States, ready to counsel with you PERSONALLY — to answer questions — to help you with any spiritual problems — even to baptize any who are ready for it.

   I think that because we say in literature — and you hear on radio — "there is no follow-up — no one will call on you" — many may have MISUNDERSTOOD. What we mean to say to the public is that there will be no follow-up trying to sell them something — we have NOTHING TO SELL. And that giving us their name and address for requested literature, or a subscription (free — already paid) to The PLAIN TRUTH does not mean someone will come knocking uninvited on their door.

   We WON'T send anyone to see you, UNWANTED. Not unless you REQUEST IT! BUT, if you would like one of our trained men, graduates of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, to call and counsel with you about any problems, answer any questions — even explain anything in the Bible, there is such a man NEAR YOU — in all parts of the United States and Canada. So PLEASE feel free to invite such a visit. That's what they are there for. And of course you know they have nothing to sell. They won't ask you for money. They won't plead with you — or even urge you to "be converted" or baptized, nor to join anything. Of course, If you WANT and request help In finding God and letting Christ REALLY come into your heart and life, they are fully qualified to HELP. But they will not try to shove anything on you. They are qualified to EXPLAIN the Bible if you ask, but never will they argue. Actually most of them are consecrated and ordained ministers. They, and we here at Headquarters of this great Work want only to HELP — to SERVE. We count it a PRIVILEGE to do so.

   Then, there is the Bible Correspondence Course. Actually thousands of you Co-Workers are not taking this. YOU ARE MISSING SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT, INTERESTING, AND VALUABLE. Other thousands of you ARE taking it and happily profiting from it greatly. If you have not yet enrolled, why not do so NOW?

   We want to help and serve YOU. Won't you pray for this Work earnestly, and even pray about whether YOU should help serve Christ more, and at more sacrifice, as He, with us, helps and serves 150 MILLION other people around the world?

   Dear Co-Workers, let's MAKE UP for the lack of gain last month by TWICE the normal gain in income THIS month! Let's not let Christ and His Work down! I'm going to pray in faith that God will bless you IN SO DOING!

With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: June 02, 1969
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