January 31, 1972  
January 31, 1972 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Publisher of The PLAIN TRUTH Magazine

An educational service at all levels for all people worldwide

January 31, 1972

Dear Inner Family of Co-Workers:

   Here we are at the SHORTEST month of the year. That makes it financially difficult, for we have a FULL MONTH'S bills to meet, but fewer days for receiving tithes and offerings — though we DO get one extra DAY this February, since it is another leap year.

   Giant doors are opening before us now, it seems, more than ever before. On January 7th, the MOST POWERFUL DOOR in the history of this Work — of 38 years! — suddenly opened. Reader's Digest opened their advertising pages to us IN THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES circulation — LARGEST OF ANY MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD, 17,750,000 copies monthly — a readership of 50 to 70 MILLION people — more than 1/4 of the entire U.S. population. The first TWO PAGE ad will appear in one half of that vast circulation in the APRIL number — the same two page ad will appear in the other half of that circulation in May.

   For years we have purchased double page space in the foreign editions of Reader's Digest around the world, but never before was the tremendous U.S. edition open to us!

   On that same day, we received from our bankers the signed, sealed and delivered long-term insurance company financing for 80% of the superb new auditorium on the campus in Pasadena. IT IS NOW UNDER ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION! Since, besides being the college auditorium and concert hall, it will serve also, TO US, to honor God at His present Headquarters of His Work at Pasadena, we were especially elated. The remaining 20% of the cost is ON HAND IN BANKS IN CASH — received and accumulated from a special building fund sent in by our Co-Workers. So the financing is now 100% — although, month-by-month over many years we shall have to pay off the 80% long-term financing.

   Recently one of the very great radio stations in the U.S., KOA, Denver, opened EXCELLENT TIME to The WORLD TOMORROW broad- cast — 7:30 every evening (heard over several states six months of the year) and the TV program will now be on that station at 12:00 noon SUNDAYS.

   Just the other day, the MOST POWERFUL, NUMBER ONE RATED independent TV station in the U.S. — WOR, New York, opened PRIME TIME to our TV program — 10:00 p.m. Sunday nights, beginning February 13th! The most listened to prime time in New York for TV is 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. We are right in the middle of it!

   Watch now for opening of MAJOR TV stations in Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, and other major centers.

   Be sure to read my VERY IMPORTANT Personal message in the February, 1972 number of TOMORROW'S WORLD. It is an eye-opening article, and personal message on the l9-year time cycles — WHAT HAPPENED January 7th — and what my Commission IS, as well as what it is NOT. This issue had to be delayed until I could complete this IMPORTANT Personal. You'll receive it in a few days.

   We are off to a BIGGER START than ever for 1972.

   By the middle of 1971 we could NOT YET have said, "This Gospel of the Kingdom had gone into all the world as a witness unto ALL NATIONS" (Mat. 24:14) — but by January 7th WE COULD — except we have not, apparently, as yet, reached all nations AS THOROUGHLY as God intends. He is still OPENING DOORS — now, BIGGER, MIGHTIER THAN EVER!

   All systems are "GO" ahead' We still have a big job to do. I'm glad you're going WITH US — as God opens ever more powerful doors! Without YOUR PART, this great Work could not go on to reach the whole world more intensively — with greater and greater IMPACT! Please PRAY, earnestly, fervently and believingly that we may now follow better than ever where God is LEADING.

With love, in Christ's name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: January 31, 1972
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