May 21, 1974  
May 21, 1974 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight


President and Pastor

May 21, 1974

Dear Inner Family of Co-Workers with Christ:

   It was an overwhelming, smashing SUCCESS! Beyond our most optimistic hopes!

   This may be the BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT NEWS about the progress of GOD'S WORK since it began, more than forty years ago! Our biggest problem — how to get Christ's true Gospel Message proclaimed to the great-population Gentile nations, where the doors have been until now closed and barred to us — IS AT LAST SOLVED!

   The first of the PUBLIC APPEARANCE CAMPAIGNS in world capitals, at Manila, has fully demonstrated all that we expected. This Manila campaign has proved what I began to realize about sixteen months ago — that God's opening doors for private meetings with so many heads of governments — kings, presidents, emperors, prime ministers and other high government officials — was opening the way to get Christ's Message to those nations.

   I am writing from Bangkok Tuesday morning, May 21, after closing the Manila campaign Sunday night with a receptive, upper and middle-class adult audience that packed the huge 24,000-seat Coliseum, with only some of the peripheral outer rafter seats unfilled. For three successive nights, these large crowds heard three successive sermons on the soon-coming KINGDOM OF GOD to restore PEACE on earth! The first night there were some empty seats scattered here and there. The second night the main auditorium portion of the huge Coliseum appeared almost packed, and solidly packed the final Sunday night.

   The Coliseum is the largest and best air-conditioned indoor meeting place in the Philippines. If we had carried through the originally-scheduled campaign two months earlier, we should have had to use an 1800-seat auditorium the first two nights, and possibly an outdoor stadium the final Sunday night.

   It has been a thrilling, exciting, super-inspiring experience. And, even more for the assurance that God has shown us the way whereby we can now really get His Message to "ALL THE WORLD, FOR A WITNESS UNTO ALL NATIONS."

   I arrived a week ahead of the beginning of the actual public meetings. I was met at the airport, on my first arrival, two months before, with a brass band welcome, provided by the Philippine government. As you know, after one day, at that time, I was called by an emergency to return immediately to Pasadena. My son Garner Ted had sent a most urgent SOS. A small handful of dissident ministers, at that time, were threatening to destroy the Work of the living God.

   More than 1900 years before, the same thing had happened to God's Church in its very first century. The Apostle Paul had called the Ministers from the large church at Ephesus to meet him at Miletus. He said to those Ministers: "And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the Kingdom of God, shall see my face no more...Take heed therefore unto yourselves ... For I know this, that after my departing, shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves (ministers of God's Church) shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore, watch..." (Acts 20:25-31).

   Co-Workers, SATAN EXISTS! And SATAN HATES THIS WORK OF THE LIVING GOD, and SEEKS BY EVERY SUBTLE DECEPTION AND MANEUVER TO DESTROY THIS WORK! He did it in the first century. He tried it now. But GOD is more powerful than Satan. And this is the activity of GOD. And Christ has promised He will never leave nor forsake His Church nor His WORK. The living Christ BROKE THE BACK of that conspiracy! The handful of dissident and disloyal ministers took a certain number of deceived brethren with them. But ALREADY, I am informed, more than that number of NEW BRETHREN have been baptized, replacing those who went with the self-seeking disloyal ministers. They were deceived. They may not have realized Satan was using them. I pray their eyes may yet be opened — that they will be brought to a real repentance and will return to GOD'S WORK.

   Yes, Satan did strike a blow at this NEW DIMENSION in God's Work. Satan did not want the very first of these PUBLIC CAMPAIGNS to succeed, getting Christ's Gospel Message into the nations where it HAD NEVER GONE BEFORE. He did prevent the originally-scheduled date for the Manila campaign. For awhile we wondered if the campaign could ever be picked up again, once it had to be called off. But remember THIS IS THE WORK OF THE LIVING CHRIST! And it finally was carried on MUCH BIGGER THAN PLANNED THE FIRST TIME!

   But now, more than two months later, ALL THREE NIGHTS' MEETINGS WERE HELD IN THE COLISEUM! All things DO work for GOOD, to those who love and obey GOD!

   So let me tell you about the past eventful week.

   On arrival at the airport I was met by Dr. Angeles, the Executive Vice President of Angeles University, and other important people, as well as the Press — newspaper, radio, and television. A Government Highway Patrol car, with flashing red light and siren escorted us to our hotel. This same patrol car, with siren going full blast, escorted me everywhere I went for the nine days we were there. It plowed our way through snarled traffic, and saved much time.

   On the first Saturday I spoke to some 600 people. On Sunday, for a noon luncheon, I was guest speaker before a group of more than 200 — a combined luncheon of the Knights of Columbus and Daughters of Isabella, where for some 25 minutes I opened the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to them. With me were my daughter, Mrs. Gott, and Mr. and Mrs. Rader and Mr. Gotoh.

   On Sunday evening, about 5 o'clock, our party, behind the Highway Patrol siren, with a three-car procession, drove out to the outskirts of the city to the residence of Vice President Lopez of the Philippines, a beautiful large mansion atop a hill, with an exciting view of the city of Manila. Both before and after dinner, we were entertained by a troupe of Filipino dancers and performers in very colorful costumes.

   Monday, at 10 a.m., a visit with the Mayor, and a ceremony in which the Mayor presented me with the Key to the City — a very ornate work of art, by the way. At 12 noon, a luncheon press conference, in a private room at the Manila Hilton Hotel. We received a MOST FAVORABLE PRESS, by the way — more often on the front page of newspapers — every day we were there. Also on television and radio. One evening Channel 2 put on a 20-minute documentary supplied by our own television people who work with my son Garner Ted in his daily TV programs. The Channel 2 crew came to my hotel room for a ten-minute televised interview which — following the 20-minute documentary — filled the entire 30 minutes. I later heard from many people who had seen it. This was put on as a public service, without cost to us. I mention this to show you the superb co-operation we had — with the blessing and endorsement of THE GOVERNMENT! And God has given me virtual miraculous favor in the eyes of heads-of-state and governments in East Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East (both Israeli and Arab), Africa, South and Central America and Europe.

   GOD IS OPENING DOORS, GIVING ME ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE FAVOR, FROM THE VERY TOP, IN NATIONS ALL OVER THE WORLD! And HE IS GIVING HIS MESSAGE FAVOR. I do not, of course, in any way refer to local religions — but present, as I tell them, the answers to present world troubles, and THE WAY PEACE IS GOING TO COME — as knowledge heretofore not revealed either by science, religion, or education. It is a Message from the LIVING GOD, aside from, AND OVER AND ABOVE that of religion, education, or science.

   But I pull no punches. I give them the TRUTH, from the Bible, full strength! God has shown me how to present His Message, which HAS NOT been proclaimed to the world for 18 1/2 centuries. It is the ONLY-WAY this vital Gospel Message could be proclaimed in these many great Gentile countries! Yes, God does sometimes move in mysterious ways His wonders to perform!

   Continuing, on Monday evening our dinner guest, in a small private dining room in the Hyatt Regency Hotel, was THE MOTHER OF THE PRESIDENT, Mrs. Josefa E. Marcos. She is a delightful person to know, virtually my age, who has raised a President of a great nation. Two government highway patrol cars, with flashing red lights and siren, accompany her, one in front and one behind her car, wherever she goes, besides other government security guards. She lives in the Presidential Palace. I think you will realize the official honor paid to me by her presence, besides the many other ways. God has indeed given me almost unbelievable favor, respect, and CREDIBILITY at the top of many governments. And, WHY NOT? I go as the living GOD'S AMBASSADOR FOR WORLD PEACE.

   Tuesday was another busy, event-packed day. Our four-car caravan (including the pilot siren car), left our hotel Tuesday morning at 8:30 a.m., for Angeles City, a two-hour drive. We passed through three or four other towns on the way. It was almost 10:30 a.m. when we arrived at the Angeles University, a school younger than Ambassador College, yet a full university with some 5,000 students. I was hurried into a changing room where my coat was removed, and the commencement ceremony robes — bright and colorful — put on. At Ambassador College we never use such robes, nor the four square cap and gown. But so far as I know all other colleges and universities do.

   Anyway, once I was robed, as well as many faculty members, we started on a procession, led by the band, to the gymnasium, which already was filled with faculty and students. There, in dignified ceremony, the university conferred on me the honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities. After the ceremony, back in my own clothes, in another auditorium, there was an entertainment program by students, and then a luncheon, hosted by university officials. Then, the long ride back to Manila.

   That evening, Tuesday, another private-room dinner with Mrs. Oliveras, President and General Manager of the Times Journal, which has a circulation of 30,000 copies daily. Her newspaper carried many stories about us and the coming campaign.

   Wednesday, I was guest of honor at the Kiwanis Club luncheon, at which I spoke some 20 minutes. At 5 p.m. we arrived at the University of the East, largest in the Philippines, with 68,000 students. The President of the University, Dr. S.F. de la Cruz, had just returned, about three weeks before from visiting the Ambassador College campus in Pasadena, with Mrs. de la Cruz. Dr. de la Cruz was one of three university presidents from this part of the world who attended the grand opening concert at the new Ambassador Auditorium. At the U. of E. I met the Chairman of the Board and founder of the University again (I had met him on a previous trip), and several administration officials and faculty heads. We soon went to their auditorium, where students gave an entertainment program, which was followed with speeches introducing me, and I addressed the filled auditorium of students and faculty.

   From the University we were driven to the studios of Channel 13, where I was interviewed, with Mr. Stanley Rader (our General Counsel, who accompanies me on trips), in a half-hour telecast.

   Thursday, there were more press interviews, and a dinner with officials of the Greater Manila Junior Chamber of Commerce.

   And Friday morning came the meeting with President Marcos. Mr. Rader, Mr. Gotoh and I arrived at the Presidential Palace about 15 minutes early. A very formal ceremony was due at that time — the new Ambassador from Argentina presenting his credentials to the President. Instead of waiting in an anteroom for our own meeting with the President, we were privileged to take part — standing, with many cabinet members, to one side, witnessing the ceremony. The Argentine Ambassador, as custom dictates for such ceremony, was attired in morning cutaway coat with tails, and striped trousers. However, in the Philippines, formal attire for all occasions is a very thin jacket with much embroidery work, especially down the front. Both times I have seen President Marcos, he has worn one of these — no necktie, but the shirt-coat open at the neck. On this particular formal occasion, he wore the black-and-gray striped trousers, with the barong. This barong is very cool, and appropriate for the extremely hot and humid weather of the Philippines.

   Shortly after the presentation of the Argentinean's credentials, which took place in an open-air wing of the Palace — open on both sides, with the heavily gilded carved THRONE chair at the rear, we were ushered into the President's office. Our Ambassador College TV and camera crew had gone in first, to get cameras and lighting adjusted.

   President Marcos was in a sparkling, genial and very alert mood. He remembered my former visit. I had with me a copy of the June-July PLAIN TRUTH, with a picture of him smiling on the front cover — reproduced from an oil painting we had specially done for The PLAIN TRUTH. A few special copies fresh off the press had been specially air-mailed to us. But he already had received a copy, and had read the cover story, which seemed to please him.

   Accompanying me, as usual, were Mr. Rader and Mr. Gotoh. After our initial greetings, the President introduced us to cabinet members, who had just come into his office. All cabinet members were present except Minister of Labor Ople, and Minister of Social Welfare Dr. (Mrs.) Lim — the two who were sponsoring my public campaign. I looked around, and asked the President regarding the Foreign Secretary, General Romulo. I had known him for 29 years — since the San Francisco Conference, where the charter for the United Nations was drawn up in 1945. The General had left just before we entered. But the President had him called back immediately. Minister Ople was in the hospital for an annual required checkup, and Mrs. Lim was, I think, out of the city until Sunday.

   We had an invigorating meeting with President Marcos for about a half hour. He thanked us for having his mother, who is an avid reader of The PLAIN TRUTH, as a dinner guest. He remembered the Steuben piece I had presented to him on the former visit in 1970, and I had another with me, which he seemed to admire very much. He presented me with two books he has written since I last saw him, autographed, and said he wanted to give his personal blessing on the big meetings, starting that night.

   Many of you may see this interview on sound film later.

   But NOW we had come to the BIG EVENT! Friday night was the first night of the Manila campaign — there were to be three meetings in all (lectures they were called in the newspapers). They were for Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night — in that respect the same as the Garner Ted Armstrong Personal Appearance campaigns in the United States and Canada. But in Manila, the meetings started each night at 7 o'clock.

   We should have arrived very late, had it not been for the police siren pilot car, for traffic was extremely heavy. We were a little tense on arriving, wondering whether there would be a big crowd.

   "What if only about two or three thousand come?" I wondered. They would look like a tiny handful of people in that huge 24,000-seat Coliseum. They would look as if they were lost! We entered at the rear, behind the stage. Mr. Gotoh had arrived early, as had also our own television and photography crew from Pasadena.

   "Big crowd," grinned Mr. Gotoh and others. "And still pouring in." Just then a security escort was coming in, flanking on each side, the mother of the President. She was smiling happily as she shook hands with us. Six chairs had been set just behind the podium on the stage. Mrs. Marcos, the President of the University of the East, the Vice President of the Angeles University, Mr. Gotoh and Mr. Rader and myself were seated on these six chairs. The Coliseum seemed well filled — a few scattered empty seats here and there — what a relief to see such a great crowd present!

   Mr. Gotoh (Chairman of Ambassador College Department of Asian Studies) opened the meeting, after everyone sang the Philippine national anthem, with introductory remarks. Mrs. Marcos was introduced, as I rose to shake hands with her, amid much applause. Then a most complimentary short speech by the Vice President of Angeles University, followed by a very vigorous speech by Dr. de la Cruz, mentioning enthusiastically his visit to the Ambassador College campus. It was 7:30 p.m. when I stepped up to the podium. I spoke one hour. Following is a brief summary of my first sermon of the campaign: First, I asked the audience how much they knew about the conditions in the world they live in. Then I outlined the evil conditions I see in all parts of the world, asking WHY such evils exist in a world where men have learned how to fly to the moon and back, but NOT how to solve their own problems on earth. This world, I said, is headed toward the supreme CRISIS at the END of this age — this present evil world. Human survival is now our number one problem. For thousands of years, heads of governments have striven for world PEACE — but, NO peace! There will have to be a CAUSE to bring about world peace. I mentioned my early surveys, learning of this world's unhappy conditions. Finally, beginning 1926, I received the shock of my life, discovering the true answers IN THE BIBLE — answers never revealed by science, nor taught by religion or education. Then I went into some detail in the incident of the forbidden fruit in the second and third chapters of Genesis. I explained God's WAY OF LIFE revealed to but rejected in that incident by Adam and Eve — and how humanity has REJECTED or overlooked the revealed knowledge of GOD'S WAY OF LIFE (based on the Ten Commandments) ever since. Of course the third chapter of Genesis introduced Satan the Devil, symbolized by the serpent. After thoroughly explaining GOD'S WAY of life, I asked the question, WHERE DID THIS SATAN COME FROM? WHAT is "human nature"? What is the difference between human MIND and animal BRAIN? WHY was humanity put here on earth — WHAT is the real PURPOSE in our being here? HOW is God's PURPOSE being worked out? — and saying that on Saturday night I would answer those questions, and explain HOW and WHEN world PEACE is coming, in a message of HOPE and ASSURANCE.

   These questions are something most of the audience had never heard answered before!

   These questions were gone into on Saturday night — explaining the GOSPEL MESSAGE, which God sent to mankind by Jesus Christ — and how THAT GOSPEL — that vital MESSAGE from God to humanity, has not been proclaimed to this world for 18 1/2 centuries. I reminded the audience that MOST of them were now hearing that GOSPEL MESSAGE for the first time! (There were Roman Catholic priests and nuns in the audience.) I read from Malachi's prophecy about the coming of Christ (Malachi 3:1), and of the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Mark 1:1, and verses 14-15.

   But to UNDERSTAND that Gospel, it was necessary to go all the way back into prehistory. I then explained the presence of pre-Adamic ANGELS on earth, ruled by the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. And as long as that government OF GOD ruled the earth, there was PEACE, HAPPINESS, JOY! It might have been millions of years. Then, Lucifer and his angels REBELLED — (did precisely what some ministers were recently doing) — and became the Devil and his demons. That involved many Scriptures which I read from the Bible. Then the renewing of the face of the earth (Psalm 104:30) described in the first chapter of Genesis. Then I went into an explanation of the human mind compared to animal brain, reading the Scriptures about it; how God put what He wanted into the mind of King Cyrus of Persia (Ezra 1:1); and how Satan has swayed all humanity, injecting what we call human nature — vanity, lust and greed, envy, jealousy, competition, antagonism, rebellion and violence — and how MAN, swayed by this spirit CONTRARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD, has caused all the problems and evils that have plagued suffering mankind.

   I ended Saturday night with Acts 3:19-21, showing how Jesus Christ is now in heaven UNTIL the time when THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD shall be restored on earth, and once again bring PEACE to this earth.

   On Sunday night, the Coliseum appeared to be packed. It is a huge auditorium, with many tiers or balconies — like a vast bowl with a roof over it. Mr. Rader walked up to some of the far corners during the sermon. He said I looked like a tiny man down there, but the acoustics were excellent, with every word coming up clear and sharp and in power.

   Again the President's mother came — all three nights. There were more preliminary ceremonies, with Mrs. Marcos presenting certain honors to me on the platform, and enthusiastic speeches from others, before the sermon. I spoke exactly one hour Friday night, 70 minutes Saturday night, and an hour and 15 minutes Sunday night. Not a soul was seen leaving until the end.

   The final Sunday night I quickly reviewed the STATE OF THE WORLD, and the number one problem, SURVIVAL of humanity on earth. Never before was it possible to ERASE ALL HUMAN LIFE from the earth 50 times over! One H-bomb could destroy all of Manila (four million people). Again, there had to be a CAUSE for this alarming condition — and if we are to have PEACE, something must cause it. I explained in retrospect how Friday night I showed how the first humans, Adam and Eve, had rejected KNOWLEDGE REVEALED FROM GOD, and turned to THE WAY that has caused all the world's evils. I explained the TWO WAYS OF LIFE — God's way of LOVE — the giving, sharing way of outgoing concern, and the GETTING way of self-centeredness, and rejection of God and His WAY. Then a quick summary of how GOD'S GOVERNMENT, based on His spiritual Law of LOVE had once caused HAPPINESS on earth, and the rebellion that turned the archangel Lucifer into Satan, and his angels into demons. Then the creation of MAN, and HIS rejection of knowledge of God, and rebellion against GOD'S WAY. And how the all-important dimension in KNOWLEDGE has been MISSING since. Then, the fact MAN is created of MATTER, dust of the ground, but GOD is composed of SPIRIT. God's PURPOSE for man shown in Genesis 1 — the reproduction of Himself! This was startling new knowledge to nearly all there. His purpose also, through man, to RESTORE THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD to earth, bringing WORLD PEACE. The seven days of Genesis 1 and 2, a type of GOD'S PLAN for working out His Purpose. Adam rejected God's WAY. Then how the second Adam, Jesus Christ, qualified to RESTORE THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD (the Kingdom of God) to this earth. I read the Old Testament prophecies of Christ coming to RULE, setting up the Kingdom of GOD on earth, then in Luke 1:30-33, how Christ was born to RULE as King. Then the beginning of Christ's Gospel (Mark 1:1, 14-15), and teaching we may be BORN OF GOD (John 3:1-8 which I read and explained). This was NEW to nearly all. How we may be CONVERTED, receiving the impregnation of God-life (eternal life) by the HOLY SPIRIT from the very PERSON of God. I read Romans 8:9,11,14,16. I explained HOW we may receive the Holy Spirit, being begotten as a SON of God (Acts 2:1-4, 37-38 which I read). I explained how God created all things BY and through CHRIST (John 1:1-5, Ephesians 3:9) — He is our MAKER — therefore when He gave His life on the cross, by His shed blood He paid the death penalty for ALL HUMANITY — for His life was greater than all He created! Christ ROSE from the dead, making ETERNAL LIFE possible for us. Christ ascended to the Father's Throne in heaven. I went through the parable of the pounds, Luke 19:11-20, 24, showing we who GROW in grace and knowledge in the Christian life will RULE in God's Kingdom. Then I quoted Christ's promise, that we shall reign over the nations with Him, (Revelation 2:26-27; 3:21), and we shall reign with Him ON THE EARTH (Rev. 5:10). I read of the second-coming of Christ to RULE ALL NATIONS, RESTORING PEACE — Revelation 19:6, 11-16. Then I read of putting Satan away for a thousand years, and the Kingdom of God ruling a thousand years, Revelation 20:1-6, and how converted Christians, then resurrected and changed to spirit composition, will reign with Him.

   I explained how that will complete the 7,000 years. But, THEN WHAT? What is our ULTIMATE destiny? I read of man's ultimate transcendent glory, once real God-like character is developed in him in this life. I had explained how God is a FAMILY, into which we may be born, and now in Hebrews 1-2, how Christ is now very God, sustaining the WHOLE UNIVERSE (explaining that "all things" means the entire universe) with His POWER. Then, in Hebrews 2, beginning with verse 6, how God has put the ENTIRE UNIVERSE under MAN — but (verse 8) we see not YET the whole universe under man, but we do see Jesus, having gone on before as our Leader — the FIRST-BORN of many brethren (Romans 8:29). I ended by stating HOW MUCH MORE WONDERFUL is the KNOWLEDGE God reveals in the Bible than that taught by science, religion or education! THEY HAD HEARD THE GOOD NEWS (GOSPEL) OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD! The people were ASTONISHED, as in Jesus' day (Matt. 7:28).

   After this last sermon, we were dinner guests at the lovely home of Minister (Mrs.) Lim.

   I have taken the time and space to give you a full synopsis of all three sermons before those many THOUSANDS in the FIRST of these new PUBLIC APPEARANCE CAMPAIGNS in the world capitals around the world. For I want you to see and realize that CHRIST'S GREAT COMMISSION is being effectively fulfilled — that what He has commissioned YOU AND ME to do IS GETTING DONE — and done effectively — for the first time in 1850 years and more! I want the living Christ to be able to say to YOU and me, "WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANTS."

   I wanted you to realize it fully, because this is the MOST important of the things God's TITHES which you send in are going for! God has opened the doors. GOD has been IN it — it has gone out in HIS POWER!

   When I left Pasadena on this trip there were some 900 ministers and deacons, including some wives, attending the LARGEST AND GREATEST Ministers' Conference since this Work began, assembled in the new Ambassador Auditorium (The House of God).

   I was able to be with them only the first two days. I had the privilege of starting off the great Conference with the dedication of God's most beautiful House for His Headquarters' Church for this present time. It was a most SOLEMN and emotionally moving occasion. In having to leave for this FIRST great PUBLIC APPEARANCE campaign, I had to forego the privilege of preaching the first Sabbath sermon in the new Headquarters Church edifice.

   After the first two days of Plenary Sessions, the scores and scores of ministers went into workshop group sessions, where all ministers from all over the world had opportunity for their own INPUT, their own contributions, asking questions, reporting experiences, etc., etc.

   I think that now ALL presently-pending doctrinal questions have been settled, and all reports from Pasadena say the Ministers of God's Church, worldwide, are in COMPLETE HARMONY AND ACCORD — IN ONE MIND (the Mind of CHRIST), and with a spirit of TOGETHERNESS such as never before.


   All are now PRAYING, as never before, for this GREAT WORK! The ministers there were kept informed day by day of the progress at Manila.

   I think you will be glad to know that I am informed by our Business Office at Pasadena Headquarters that WE HAVE NOT HAD, AT ANY TIME, TO DIP INTO GOD'S TITHES, WHICH YOU SEND IN, to pay for construction of new buildings on our college campuses — not even for the superb new Ambassador Auditorium! All building construction has been taken care of by the SPECIAL BUILDING FUND OFFERINGS.

   But I have to tell you that these SPECIAL BUILDING FUND OFFERINGS have dropped off seriously the past few months! Brethren, I don't want to have to take tithe money from the GOSPEL Work for the Building Fund. We have been providentially privileged to obtain long-term (15 and 20 years) insurance company loans to finance these buildings, in addition to what we have been able to pay from the special Building Fund. With what we had on hand in the Building Fund, we were able to obtain 100% financing on the new Auditorium — a thing virtually UNHEARD OF! And we obtained this major-sized financing at LOWER interest rate than today's prime rate! God has blessed His Work ABUNDANTLY! So Brethren, I have to ask you to once again bring the SPECIAL Building Fund offerings back up to normal. We still have to pay off the financing month by month.

   Co-Workers and Brethren, this has been GREAT NEWS!

   God is WITH US as never before — because WE ARE WITH HIM in one Mind and one Spirit as never before.

   It is now like a COMPLETE NEW WORK! The Gospel, at last, is going AROUND THE WORLD IN POWER — reaching people in nations from the top down — those whom God will hold responsible for this precious Message from Him! This powerful NEW DIMENSION of the Work is something never before done in all world history! It is IMPORTANT that you realize these were ADULT audiences, with top government people, and mostly upper and middle-class people — those God HOLDS RESPONSIBLE in the nation.

   Besides this, the only true GOSPEL is going out over the United States, Canada, and Australia, daily, on television and radio. It is going out WORLDWIDE, through The PLAIN TRUTH, The GOOD NEWS, books, booklets and free literature. The three Ambassador College campuses are continuing to train thousands of serious young men and women for active participation in THE GREAT WORK! All told, this is a gigantic, well-organized worldwide Work having GREAT IMPACT on the whole world. And it's THE ONLY WORK doing this — the true WORK OF GOD!!

   Now I am eagerly looking forward to the NEXT public Appearance campaigns. I have received a PERSONAL REQUEST from the world-known Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, that the next campaign be held in Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa. Leaders in Saigon, South Vietnam's capital, are PRESSURING me, now, to hasten the campaign there.

   Other world capitals where the preliminary work toward Public Appearance campaigns already is well under way are: New Delhi, capital of INDIA; Jamaica; Djakarta, Indonesia; Costa Rica, in Central America; Nairobi, Kenya in Africa; Tokyo, Japan; Seoul, South Korea; Beirut, Lebanon; Cairo, Egypt; Jerusalem; Katmandu, Nepal; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Singapore, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Santiago, Chile; Dacca, Bangladesh; and capitals in Europe. And possible meetings with heads of state in Peking and Moscow are pending. If God wants His Message to go to them, He has the power to open those doors!

   Co-Workers, THAT is getting the GOSPEL "into all the world for a witness in all nations" for the first time in 18 1/2 centuries! It is a TREMENDOUS worldwide WORK! I have to ask you to PRAY EARNESTLY for me, personally, that God will prolong my life in dynamic, vigorous HEALTH, until I can get to ALL THESE WORLD CAPITALS, AND MORE! And pray for Garner Ted. He is carrying a tremendous load now!

   This is going to take a GREAT EFFORT on my part, on Garner Ted Armstrong's part — and greater SACRIFICE FINANCIALLY THAN EVER BEFORE, on the part of ALL OF US! The obstacles in our path have been CLEARED AWAY by our Head and Leader JESUS CHRIST! He is moving now, doing BIG THINGS FOR US — He expects you and me to respond now as never before FOR HIM, as HE LEADS US ON IN UNITY AND IN GREAT POWER THROUGH HIS HOLY SPIRIT!


   THANK YOU, dear Brethren and Co-Workers, for your LOYALTY, for standing by us faithfully. We forge ahead unitedly, now, as never before. God's blessing will continue to be with you, and HIS WORK!

With deep and sincere love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: May 21, 1974
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