March 15, 1976  
March 15, 1976 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight


President and Pastor

March 15, 1976

Dear Co-Workers and Brethren in Christ:

    In the 42 years since this Work of the living Christ started, there have come times, on occasion, when I had to take you coworkers and brethren into my confidence and tell you we are close to one of those occasional financial crises.

    I am sure you realize it has been a "long haul." We have not traveled an easy road. Christ said the "easy road" leads to destruction. But the road to success, accomplishment and eternal life is a hard, rutty, difficult road. It has its ups and downs. We must expect that. He said it would be replete with persecution. It has been. Yet He would never leave nor forsake us—and He never has and will not now.

    I am sending you a copy of the letter I am sending to non co-worker subscribers to The PLAIN TRUTH. I feel that we MUST now go back to our former newsmagazine format for The PLAIN TRUTH. It will give the Work a "lift"—yet we must go back to less costly paper than formerly. I feel that this letter will find many subscribers who really want to "pay their own way" by contributing an amount to cover one or more subscriptions.

    But I must also say to you who share this financial responsibility with me, that we have once again, as we have at intervals in the past, come to the point where I have to lay the problem frankly and candidly before you and ask you for SPECIAL efforts and for a VERY SPECIAL financial SACRIFICE for God's Work—a special and generous offering ABOVE regular tithes and offerings. And I ask you once again to go to your knees and take this VERY SPECIAL need to Christ in special fervent and prevailing PRAYER. Even FASTING and prayer.

    Brethren, whenever in past times of crisis we have united, FASTED and PRAYED, GOD HAS ALWAYS HEARD AND ANSWERED. He is the same today and will answer if we put our hearts in it.

    I ask you to take this seriously to heart and join me in FASTING and PRAYER.

    I am writing this special emergency letter from 39,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean—flying to Seoul, South Korea—to prepare for a special campaign there. Also, I will have another brief public campaign this trip in Manila, the Philippines; and I am to give the address at the investiture ceremonies inaugurating the new President of Angeles University in the Philippines.

    Then I am going to Cairo, Egypt, for another meeting to speak before more than a hundred leaders of government, education, industry and business. My son, Garner Ted, has just returned from Cairo where he had TV interviews with President Sadat and other high officials. Ted also has personal appearance campaigns coming up in Cleveland and other chief cities.

    THE WORK is going forward with RENEWED VIGOR AND POWER.

    I now must ask you to fast and pray and make what financial sacrifice you are able—immediately and for the next few months— to back up our renewed efforts.

    Brethren, HOW wonderful and encouraging it is to know that you are 100 percent behind Garner Ted and me. We are both grateful beyond words and dynamically INSPIRED by your loyalty, sacrifice and perseverance. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and God's blessing be on you.

In deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

P.S. It is not necessary for you to renew your PLAIN TRUTH subscription—it will continue without interruption. We are asking for a renewal only from those who are not members or co-workers. But please take this letter to heart—with FASTING, PRAYER and financial SACRIFICE—giving what you can.

Publication Date: March 15, 1976
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