August 20, 1979  
August 20, 1979 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W. Armstrong
Post Office Box 431, Tucson, Arizona 85702

August 20, 1979

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:

   The living, active HEAD of this Church is Jesus Christ. Too many seem to have forgotten that. Eighteen months ago it seemed as if many of those active in the leadership of both Church and College had forgotten that. They seemed not to be conscious of the LIVING Christ's active presence in the Work. I was overseas most of the time.

   But in the past eighteen months Jesus Christ has moved swiftly to set His Church and College back on God's track!


   It has seemed as if Christ has been holding back world events prophesied to happen, leading into Christ's coming in TOTAL POWER as KING of kings and LORD of lords, ruling all nations. Jesus is coming again, not only as GOVERNMENT RULER—but also as Director of ALL EDUCATION, all RELIGION, opening salvation to all then living on earth, and over the whole world's SOCIETY!


   There is every indication that Christ will now SPEED UP world events that MUST take place before HiS coming— the "resurrection" of the medieval "Holy Roman Empire" in Europe—the capture by gentile forces of Jerusalem—the GREAT TRIBULATION—World War III, and finally ARMAGEDDON and Christ's COMING!

   In Revelation 7 is the prophecy of God HOLDING UP—DELAYING—world events until the sealing of the 144,000 and the other innumerable multitude out of all nations.

   But God says also: "For He will FINISH THE WORK, and CUT IT SHORT in righteousness, because A SHORT WORK will the Lord make upon the earth" (Rom. 9:28).

   From now on, things may happen SUDDENLY, RAPIDLY, to finish the Work God has called us to do.

   Where are we right NOW?

   Christ, through His chosen apostle, has been moving swiftly to make HIS CHURCH READY for Christ's coming. But we are NOT YET READY! In Revelation 19:7, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife hath made herself ready." But we are NOT YET ready!

   In Ephesians 5:25-27: "...Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it ... that he might present it to himself a GLORIOUS Church not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."

   But we still have spots and wrinkles and blemishes to clean out!

   Now we have come to the time Ambassador College is starting its 33rd year. Most of the Faculty will come to Tucson for a meeting with me on Tuesday of this week.

   Several former area co-ordinators are arriving for a sabbatical term at the college.

   Arrangements have finally been completed for the annual Ministerial Conference, which will be held in Tucson again this coming January 21, 22, and 23.

   Mr. Rader is winding up his trip into China, making preparations for my visit with the leaders of the Peoples' Republic of China next month. Until he returns, I cannot decide whether the budget will allow all ministers, even local elders, to attend or not.

   Plans have been progressing exceptionally well for my visit with top officials there next month.

   Right now we are looking forward with great anticipation to the Feast of Tabernacles. The Festival Department has been hard at work making all plans since the end of last year's Feast. We are expecting it to be the GREATEST EVER!

   Through the Y.O.U. and the Y.E.S. organization, new plans are being made for the children at the Feast, which I find extremely important and exciting. Plans are being laid to bring all family units together, and to initiate a more active participation on the part of children than ever before.

   Real important progress has been made during the past year in setting the Church and entire Work back solidly on GOD'S TRACK! The Church WILL be made ready for Christ's coming! God says so in Revelation 19:7!

   It is necessary for the present that you continue sending tithes and offerings in my name, to Tucson, Arizona. An office has been opened here, and a portion of the Mail Processing Department moved here to receive and process the in-coming mail.

   We have been making more really significant progress in the action of the State of California attempting to take over, manage and RUN the Church and the Work of God. More and more, other churches and religious organizations are lining up behind us, on our side, in this suit. It is still a battle to decide "WHO IS LORD—Caesar or CHRIST?" Rest assured, CHRIST will win this battle!

   Nevertheless, PRAY for this Work as NEVER BEFORE!

With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: August 20, 1979
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