The 2nd SPACE AGE About to Begin! The 2nd SPACE AGE About to Begin!
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1981

Man is on the threshold of an unheralded new era. Space is about to become exploited! But for what purpose? The U.S. space shuttle Columbia has suddenly plunged man from the age of space exploration to the age of space exploitation. The direct exploration of space began in 1957. Sputnik I was flung ...

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And Now - A New Crisis in Farming - Part 2 And Now - A New Crisis in Farming - Part 2
John W Robinson  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1963

This second and final installment uncovers a startling crisis in agriculture and little-known facts about the new problems confronting livestock breeders today. Synopsis: The spectre of a new crisis in farming is here. Government authorities, veterinarians and university departments of animal husban ...

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The Astounding KNOWLEDGE GAP! The Astounding KNOWLEDGE GAP!
Robert L Kuhn & Eugene M Walter  -  Special Topics   -  1968

Incredible, but true! The world's knowledge doubled in the last ten years. But our troubles also doubled in the same ten years! In this enlightened 20th century, an astounding KNOWL EDGE GAP? Unbelievable! Yet it happened! Think of it! In one short decade, scientific and technical knowledge double ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 16   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

The Pharisees and Sadducees were rival religious organizations. Though normally deeply divided, they could find temporary alliance in their hatred of Jesus. His popularity with the common folk - made poignantly obvious by their own unpopularity - and the sensational size and growing scope of His min ...

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This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  May 1986

Of the hundreds of articles Herbert w. Armstrong wrote, the one reprinted here stands out. It brilliantly sums up the wonderful way of life the Bible teaches - the way of life Mr. Armstrong lived and preached to millions. Do you know how to live fully - abundantly? In this article you will learn how ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 03, 1955 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 03, 1955
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  June 03, 1955

The first television programs have been produced! But when I wrote you, in my last letter, that I was going to have to go thru a gruelling ordeal, impossible without YOUR PRAYERS and divine help from God, little did I then know WHAT an ordeal awaited me! It was the most terrible experience I have ha ...

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God is Very Forgiving... If God is Very Forgiving... If
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Greetings friends. This is Herbert W Armstrong with the Good News of the World Tomorrow. Now once again, will you get out your Bibles? Will you open them up and see how you have believed that the Bible says exactly the opposite of what it does; at least in so many very fundamental places, and fundam ...

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God's Timetable God's Timetable
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And once again, why don't we have better news today? If mankind had listened to the message that God Almighty sent by Jesus Christ, if the world believed it and followed that way we would have good news today. But instead we have to tell you about the good news of the world tomorrow. Because Jesus ...

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Obedient Children Are Not Enough! Obedient Children Are Not Enough!
Robert E Fahey  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1977

Some parents are making a fatal mistake in their child rearing and heading for heartbreak in the years ahead. You could be one of them. If making your children obedient is your only goal, you will probably find yourself with an uphill battle for 10 to 20 years, ending with disappointment and a gener ...

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HAPPINESS Why So Elusive? HAPPINESS Why So Elusive?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1981

There is a way to personal success and happiness. It is not complicated. It is not mystical. And it really works! As a Teenager Who was taught that to be manly is to be unemotional, I was brought to tears one night in an unusual way. I shall never forget it. It was a gorgeous summer evening in the A ...

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The Bible Story - Volume II The Bible Story - Volume II  -  Chapter 16
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1961

MOSES AND AARON MEET PHARAOH, MOSES and Aawn had JUSt finished speaking. Most of the Israelites believed these things. Some shook their heads in doubt. There were a few who felt that Moses and Aaron were trying to push themselves into being Israelite leaders. It was from these that shouts of protest ...

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Why Is the 'Trinity' Not Mentioned in Scripture? - Part 2 Why Is the 'Trinity' Not Mentioned in Scripture? - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  November 1975

Does religion have to be a "mystery" in order to understand it? No one truly "understands" the so-called "mystery of the Trinity." Scholarly theologians nevertheless insist their followers must accept the doctrine, though admitting it is a mystery, incapable of understanding! But Jesus said ...

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Ascent to Greatness Ascent to Greatness  -  Chapter Eight  -  Book I
Raymond F McNair  -  Reference Book   -  1976

Why did the U.S. think it necessary even to have a national coat of arms? When did America adopt her present Great Seal? At the time when the U.S. declared independence in 1776,it was the prevailing practice in much of the civilized world — in Europe especially — to have a national coat of arms. On ...

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Are We Living in the Last Days? - Part 1 Are We Living in the Last Days? - Part 1
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  August 1976

The Handwriting Is on the Wall: Did you ever wonder where that enigmatic expression originated? The answer does not lie in twentieth-century graffiti but in the pages of your Bible! Over two millennia ago, during the twilight of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, a series of strange events changed the ...

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God's Government - What Will It Be Like? God's Government - What Will It Be Like?
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1976

If there is one thing this world has always lacked, it is effective, just government. Every humanly devised system has ultimately failed to bring about permanent peace, universal human dignity, happiness and fulfillment for mankind. And all of man's governments will continue to fail until God repl ...

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