Is All Animal Flesh Good Food? Is All Animal Flesh Good Food?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1978

Were all animals made clean? What about the unclean animals shown to Peter in a vision? Here is a straightforward Bible answer, giving the New Testament teaching. This subject is important to your health and well-being! AFTER THOUSANDS of years of human experience on earth, it seems there still is n ...

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Leadership in God's Church Leadership in God's Church
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1975

I have been thinking about a vital subject for some time now, and decided I should share those thoughts with all of our GN readers. That extremely important subject is leadership in God's Church - how it is something entirely different than executive leadership in an industrial corporati ...

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The Astounding KNOWLEDGE GAP! The Astounding KNOWLEDGE GAP!
Robert L Kuhn & Eugene M Walter  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1968

Incredible, but true! The world's knowledge doubled in the last ten years. But our troubles also doubled in the same ten years! In this enlightened 20th century, an astounding KNOWL EDGE GAP? Unbelievable! Yet it happened! Think of it! In one short decade, scientific and technical knowledge double ...

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The Coming World Government - Part 4 The Coming World Government - Part 4
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Well greetings friends. This is Herbert W Armstrong with the Good News of the World Tomorrow! Now let's continue where we were, I was speaking yesterday about the fact it is good news we are going to have a world of peace at last. Yes, my friends the world today is a very unhappy world. It's fil ...

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What to Do Until the Kingdom Comes What to Do Until the Kingdom Comes
D Paul Graunke  -  Good News   -  January 1975

IN HIS model prayer, Christ instructed His disciples to pray "Thy kingdom come." And so we do - at least some of us do - perhaps perfunctorily, perhaps fervently - but we pray for it. And we hope it will come soon - or we hope it will come later so as not to preempt our plans and worldly pu ...

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Should We Repeat The Should We Repeat The "Lord's Prayer"?
Leroy Neff  -  Special Topics   -  1963

Millions repeat this prayer daily. But did Christ intend it to be repeated word for word? What is the real meaning and purpose of this prayer? Here are the answers from your own Bible! DEVOUT parents teach their children from infancy to repeat the "Lord's prayer." Certain religions require their c ...

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Lessons from The MASTER POTTER Lessons from The MASTER POTTER
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Life was meant to be full of trials, tests and temptations - all intended to be the means of building beautiful, God-like character in man. Isaiah, Elihu and Paul all used the analogy of the potter and the clay. Jeremiah was advised to go to the potter's house to learn how God works with men to mo ...

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Lesson 21 - Is This The Only Day Of Salvation? Lesson 21 - Is This The Only Day Of Salvation?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

Modern Christianity teaches that there are only two classes of people - the LOST and the SAVED. But what about those who die never having heard the name of Christ? Would God be fair to condemn them? ...

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Manilla Special Manilla Special
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  May 9, 1983

Why such high unemployment, why the sick economy? It's still very, very bad and has been all over the world. Why the violence all over the world especially in such localities as in Central America in El Salvador, in North Ireland, over in the Middle East, in Lebanon and in places like that? Why is ...

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Outline of Prophecy 09 - Proving the Truth Outline of Prophecy 09 - Proving the Truth
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

What about the end of the world, we've been hearing a lot about it? What about Armageddon? Is there going to be an Armageddon? Is the world coming to an end? Well, yes it is my friends and very soon when you understand what is meant by those terms. The end of the world is not the end of the earth+ ...

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How Do We Know the Answers? How Do We Know the Answers?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1979

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Today the whole world needs a voice to speak out, in positive authority, with the ANSWERS to humanity's problems. The Plain Truth is that voice. But how do we know the answers? News media, TV documentaries, and books report the news, describe the world's ills; ...

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Do You Know Your Enemy? Do You Know Your Enemy?
Malcolm R Tofts  -  Good News   -  August 1982

The Bible depicts Satan the devil as a roaring lion. Do you understand Satan's tactics and know how to defend yourself against this evil, devouring force? I received a shock when I drove around the bend in the dusty African road. There, straddling my path, was a lion! You may not find anything abo ...

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Preparing for the Ministry Preparing for the Ministry  -  Section 1   
Robert G Morton  -  Study Tools   -  1975

God places an important responsibility on the leading members of His Church. If new people don't see us living God's way of life and benefiting from it, they won't buy it! 2 Corinthians 6:16, 18 "I will dwell in them and walk in them." What do they see and experience in us? Are they ...

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Should We Repeat The Should We Repeat The "LORD'S PRAYER"?
Leroy Neff  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1963

Millions repeat this prayer daily. But did Christ intend it to be repeated word for word? What is the real meaning and purpose of this prayer? Here are the answers from your own Bible! Devout parents teach their children from infancy to repeat the "Lord's prayer," Certain religions requi ...

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The Bible Story - Volume V The Bible Story - Volume V  -  Chapter 119
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1987

THE ARMY of Ben-hadad, the Syrian king, had been depleted and routed from Israel. (I Kings 20:1-21.) But Ben-hadad decided to enlarge what was left of his army and try again to conquer the limited forces of King Ahab of the House of Israel. During the next several weeks all able-bodied men were cons ...

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