WHAT DO YOU MEAN... WHAT DO YOU MEAN... "Rewarded According to Works"?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1967

Few - even professing "Christians" - understand some of this Biblical terminology. Few understand the difference between being "saved by GRACE," and "rewarded according to WORKS." Here is a surprising sequel to the article, "What Do You Mean... Salvation?" in ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1981

Wives have unique opportunities to bring deep joy and lasting success to their marriages. Here is how they can accomplish this challenging goal. It is literally true that many a man would at least try to "climb the highest mountain, cross every ocean and ford every stream" to find the righ ...

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Panorama of the Bible - Part 5 Panorama of the Bible - Part 5
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1964

But look at the world of today. It's a world fraught with tension, fear, worry, hatred, violence, sickness, suffering, and death. A world of the threat of war. A world of tremendous contrast, a world of contradiction, a world that is almost, it seems, impossible to understand. And today, while mos ...

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Are You Happy in God's Church? Are You Happy in God's Church?
Carn A Catherwood  -  Good News   -  July-August 1968

Real happiness is a very RARE commodity, today! Does your life reflect the very JOY of Jesus Christ? Read in this article how to BE happy - how to STAY happy. Read on even if you ARE delighted to be called - it'll make you more joyful! "THERE goes a happy man! How I wish I were like him!" ...

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Just What Do You Mean... Born Again? Just What Do You Mean... Born Again?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  October 1971

Don't be too sure you know! Many professing Christians sincerely believe they have been "born again" — but do not understand what Jesus meant by those words. The true answer is not only surprising — it is startling! — THE MOST IMPORTANT truth you can know, here made SO PLAIN you will UNDERSTAND! ...

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Just what do you mean... BORN AGAIN? Just what do you mean... BORN AGAIN?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1972

Don't be too sure you know! Many professing Christians sincerely believe they have been "born again" — but do not understand what Jesus meant by those words. The true answer is not only surprising — it is startling! — THE MOST IMPORTANT truth you can know, here made SO PLAIN you will UND ...

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Christians Have Lost Their POWER! Christians Have Lost Their POWER!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  February 1983

Probably YOU, too, are spiritually powerless! Here is the shocking TRUTH! Read WHY your prayers are not directly - miraculously - answered! The chances are that even you, if you believe you are a Christian, are today on mighty dangerous ground! You'd better STOP - and check up! Open your Bible! Ta ...

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A Whale of a Tale, or — A Whale of a Tale, or —
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1968

Did DOLPHINS and whales EVOLVE? Evolution says fish grew lungs and slithered ashore. Then, claims evolution, many RETURNED to the sea, DISCARDED their legs, changed them into flippers, "evolved" a built-in grin and become dolphins and whales. DID THEY, REALLY? Dolphins grin at such stories - and wha ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1983

Few - even professing "Christians" - understand the difference between being "saved by GRACE," and "rewarded according to WORKS." Here is a surprising, eye-opening article. SOME RELIGIONISTS, who talk much about "salvation" and "grace" accuse me of proclaiming a salvation by works. The accusation ...

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What's in it For You - TEEN-AGERS? What's in it For You - TEEN-AGERS?
Paul S Royer  -  Good News   -  October 1967

Is God fair to teen-agers? Have you been robbed by the truth? Are the other kids having all the fun? Don't be fooled by the big lie! This is the sick, sick sex age of the roaring 60's. Today's teen-ager in God's Church has the greatest challenge ever in the history of the earth! Do you have ...

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Christians Have Lost Their POWER! Christians Have Lost Their POWER!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  May-June 1970

Probably YOU, too, are spiritually powerless! Here is the shocking TRUTH! Read WHY your prayers are not directly - miraculously - answered! THE CHANCES are that even Ford, if you believe you are a Christian, are today on mighty dangerous ground! You'd better STOP - and check up! Open your Bible! T ...

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Coming! Invasion from Outer Space Coming! Invasion from Outer Space
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  November 1973

Truth is sometimes stranger than even science fiction. But, will there actually be a future invasion from "who knows where" in the universe? ON October 30, 1938, several hundred thousand Americans experienced the most shattering scare of their lives. The Columbia Broadcasting System was a ...

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Lessons from the Master Potter Lessons from the Master Potter
Raymond F McNair  -  Good News   -  October-November 1980

Life was meant to be full of trials, tests and temptations - all intended to build beautiful, godlike character in man. Many of you have experienced - or are experiencing - severe trials and tests. Unfortunately, some buckle under the pressure instead of learning the vital lessons these trial ...

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Ten Reasons Why I Don't Keep Christmas! Ten Reasons Why I Don't Keep Christmas!
David Jon Hill  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

Sour grapes? A bah-humbug Scrooge? Anti-establishment? Irreligious? NO! None of these. Here's a plain speaking-out about a holiday nearly everybody keeps, religious or non-religious, and nearly no one seems to really understand why! Read this personal-experience article for understanding. It's p ...

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The The "Missing Link"... FOUND!
Paul W Kroll & Gene R Hughes  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1970

For one hundred years, anthropologists have searched for the "missing links" to man's ancestry. Many have been proposed. But the "missing link" - long overlooked by scientists - stands revealed. Read the proof in this surprising article. Haven't you often wondered where you c ...

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