Visit To Mt. Sinai - Part 2 Visit To Mt. Sinai - Part 2
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  July 1971

In March of this year two editors of the GOOD NEWS - Drs. Hoeh and Martin - together with Vasili Constantinos of the Jerusalem dig, were guests of the Israeli Military Government of the Sinai. While there they traced the route of the Exodus, beginning at Marah near the Mitla Pass. This second report ...

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Seven Proofs Of The True Church - Proof No. 5-6 Seven Proofs Of The True Church - Proof No. 5-6
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  December 04, 1978

WHERE is the one and only true Church today - the Church founded by Jesus Christ in A.D. 31? Seven major eye-opening proofs identify it unmistakably. Could anything sound more unbelievable? To say the true Gospel of Jesus Christ was not proclaimed to the world during 19 whole centuries - from the mi ...

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The History of the Beginning and Growth of the Worldwide Church of God - Chapter 1 The History of the Beginning and Growth of the Worldwide Church of God - Chapter 1
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April 1980

THE BEGINNING AND growth of the Worldwide CHURCH OF GOD is an exciting story of faith under hardship, opposition, persecution. It IS a history bringing Jesus' parable of the mustard seed into real life in the turbulent 20th century. This mustard seed was born in the midst of the Great De ...

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A Foretaste of the Coming Kingdom A Foretaste of the Coming Kingdom
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 11, 1984

Well, greetings, brethren. Not only do you here in Pasadena, but to all you brethren, you just telephoned in from New Zealand that you're getting the program down there. And right now, it's very close to nine o'clock tomorrow morning in New Zealand. And yet, at the same time that it is here, n ...

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I Corinthians - Review I Corinthians - Review
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  November 21, 1980

I've made a few notes here to start out with. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians was corrective. He corrected them for not all speaking the same thing - they wanted to choose different men to follow. We are in danger of going to the opposite extreme. I find that there is a tendency in the Ch ...

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Against the Gates of Hell Against the Gates of Hell  -  Appendices   
Stanley R Rader  -  Reference Book   -  1980

The Church and its Doctrines; THE Worldwide Church of God is a Christian church whose I doctrines are based on a literal interpretation of the Old and New Testaments. Church leaders believe that the prime duty of the modern Christian Church is to preach actively the Gospel of the Kingdom of God thro ...

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The Sabbath in the New Testament - Commanded or Condemned? The Sabbath in the New Testament - Commanded or Condemned?
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  August 1983

Must we keep one specific day, or may we "let our conscience be our guide"? This article dares to show what the Scriptures really say. Last month in an article entitled "What Was the Apostolic Sabbath?" we examined all the scriptures where the Sabbath was mentioned after Christ w ...

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Difficult Scriptures Difficult Scriptures
Church of God  -  Study Tools

Gen. 6:1-4 - Disprove: Angels married women and engendered a race of giants. Answer: This scripture does not say that angels married women. It states that the sons of God "took them wives of all which they chose" (verse 2). These sons of God were not angels. The fact is that angels cannot ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1976

The traditional Jesus is suffering an identity crisis of growing proportions. Was Jesus of Nazareth the Christ of the Crusades? Was he the Jesus of the Jewish persecutions or the Spanish Inquisition? Was he the Jesus of some first century artist's imagination? Who was this most enigmatic figure in ...

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Seven Proofs of God's Church: Proof 5 - A Balanced Way of Life Seven Proofs of God's Church: Proof 5 - A Balanced Way of Life
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  March 1975

God's true Church knows the right way of living - the balanced, abundant life. The right way of life with solid, balanced truth about diet, exercise, foods, finances, marriage. This way of life is another vital proof of the true Church of God. SURE, I'm a Christian, but I'm not workin ...

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HOLIDAYS headaches and hangovers - Why? HOLIDAYS headaches and hangovers - Why?
Eugene M Walter  -  Tomorrow's World   -  January 1970

More people are unhappy, miserable, depressed, discouraged, deep in debt, and violent during the holiday season than at any other time of the year. There is precious little peace on earth or goodwill among men. There doesn't seem to be much of Christ in the commercialized "Christmas" that began la ...

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The Life and Times of Jesus - Part 2 The Life and Times of Jesus - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

Most people would say it hasn't changed much. They would say that the holy land, especially the Arab-occupied portions of modern Israel near the West Bank looked pretty much today just like they looked during the time of Christ, a few Arab nomads in tents and Tora Adobe huts, a dry barren, arid la ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1972

Does the Bible REALLY condemn such things as dancing, card playing, drinking, theatergoing? Here is a frank, straight-from-the-shoulder explanation of what GOD regards as "sinful." CAN YOU be a completely dedicated Christian without being some kind of "freak"? Without missing out on the interest and ...

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How Far Does CHURCH GOVERNMENT Extend into YOUR Life? How Far Does CHURCH GOVERNMENT Extend into YOUR Life?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  January 1961

Through whom does God make final decisions in matters of Church policy? What is your responsibility under the government of God? HOW MUCH do you, as an individual, have to say about the policy, the conduct, the practice of God's Church? What are the Church's prerogatives and what are each indivi ...

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New Facts About the Image of the Beast New Facts About the Image of the Beast
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  July 1952

What is this mysterious "image"? You will soon be compelled to worship it or face martyrdom. If you submit, you will suffer the wrath of God! MANY ministers know the facts which prove the identity of the "image of the beast," but they are afraid to tell you. This present generati ...

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