Joshua - A Man Overshadowed by His Deeds Joshua - A Man Overshadowed by His Deeds
Ronald D Kelly  -  Good News   -  May 1985

Here is the dramatic story of one of the truly great people of the Bible. Only a few times III history has a person been born who accomplishes so much that his deeds are remembered as much or more than the person himself. Such a man was Joshua. Have you ever noticed that Joshua is not even named by ...

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God's FAITH in Man God's FAITH in Man
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1979

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God" (Eph. 2:8). "O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee" (Ps. 84:12). Faith and trust in God are paramount for salvation-no one questions that. God is faithful to perform all the ...

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7 Keys to Understanding the Bible 7 Keys to Understanding the Bible
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  January 1980

Do YOU realize God has purposely closed much of the Holy Bible from human understanding, until now? Look at the pitiful spectacle - hundreds of different sects and denominations, all confused and mixed up, each with its own different ideas, beliefs and practices - all disagreeing as to what ...

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How You Can Overcome Sin's Deadly Power! How You Can Overcome Sin's Deadly Power!
Richard J Rice  -  Good News   -  March 1982

Sin is a living, dynamic force in human nature! It is actually a law - a law as real and certain as the law of gravity. The apostle Paul was very much aware of sin's power when he wrote about the "law of sin which is in my members" (Rom. 7:23) . The apostle John also understood the natur ...

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The God Family and the Holy Spirit The God Family and the Holy Spirit
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Is God a Trinity or a family? Was Jesus Christ God, or merely a man? Was Jesus the born Son of God, or only an adopted "son"? Is the Holy Spirit a person or the creative power of the Godhead? The belief that God is one substance, yet three persons, is one of the central doctrines of the Ch ...

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Checklist for Christian Growth Checklist for Christian Growth
Joseph W Tkach  -  Good News   -  May 1980

If you are unable to drive an automobile properly, you had better stay out from behind the wheel. Otherwise, you are going to create a great hazard for other motorists in addition to needlessly endangering your own life. You'll break the rules that make driving helpful and enjoyable - and r ...

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The Church and Its Purpose The Church and Its Purpose
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  July 29, 1978

Well greetings everybody; why should there be such a thing as the Church, why did Jesus say I will build my Church and the gates of the grave will never prevail against it? God doesn't do things without a purpose, without a meaning, without a reason, but He did found the Church, why, what is its f ...

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The Plain Truth About Christmas The Plain Truth About Christmas
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  December 4, 1981

Why Christmas? Why do people observe it? What keeps Christmas going? The Plain Truth about Christmas. It will open your eyes. At this season of the year, there is a phenomenon that is playing a big part in your life and the lives of other people all over this world. I refer to the phenomenon of Chri ...

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The Path to True Greatness The Path to True Greatness
Richard F Plache & David R Ord  -  Good News   -  April 1975

All of us are dedicated to service. If there's one thing we never tire of, it's serving. We just love to serve - ourselves, that is! We like others to serve us too. We are born with this tremendous desire for service. From the day we enter the world, we want to be waited upon and served. ...

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Hidden Treasure You Can Claim Hidden Treasure You Can Claim
Richard F Ames  -  Good News   -  October-November 1980

The mystery of Oak Island, off the coast of Nova Scotia, has defied solution since 1795. The island is even shaped like a question mark. Supposedly, an enormous treasure is hidden on this island, and treasure hunters have spent millions of dollars trying to find it. But all their efforts have p ...

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Twelve Reasons Why Jesus' Trial Was Illegal - Part One Twelve Reasons Why Jesus' Trial Was Illegal - Part One
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  February 1983

If Jesus were tried in many of today's courts He would be found guilty. Read here why. The trial of Jesus was without legal precedent. He was fraudulently convicted by the courts of His day. He was executed by crucifixion even though His judge found Him innocent! Why? It is time we understood what ...

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Fundamental Doctrines Fundamental Doctrines
Church of God  -  Study Tools

The Doctrine of the Church of God is based entirely on God's word, the scriptures of the bible, as God inspired the various writers to enter into the pages thereof. While the churches of the world have much tradition in their doctrine, the Church of God rejects any and all worldly tradition, adher ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1967

Why do so few know the real secrets to leadership? to happy ABUNDANT living? Why do so many lack a deep sense of fulfillment in their jobs? In day-to-day life? Here are KEYS to personal success now-in preparation for the GOAL ahead. GET out of your rut and LIVE! Get out of your rut and lead and acco ...

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He That Overcometh He That Overcometh
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  May 1981

Well thank you everybody, and let me say, not only greetings to you here in this beautiful auditorium, but also to the several hundred over in Perth who are listening in to this just now and are with us. And let us understand that we are having fellowship right now, not only among ourselves, not onl ...

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The Two Babylons The Two Babylons   Chapter III       Festivals    II. Easter
Alexander Hislop  -  Reference Book   -  1858

Then look at Easter. What means the term Easter itself? It is not a Christian name. It bears its Chaldean origin on its very forehead. Easter is nothing else than Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven, whose name, as pronounced by the people Nineveh, was evidently identical with ...

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