A Handbook of Church History A Handbook of Church History  -  Chapter V - Series: 2   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1973

Continuing the quote: They fulfill their promises with all good faith, and live for the most part in poverty. They protest that they alone preserve the apostolic life and doctrine. On this account, they assert that the power of the church resides with themselves as being the innocent and true discip ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 24, 1979 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 24, 1979
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 24, 1979

HALLELUJAH!! God is still on His throne! He has given us victory in a major battle—BUT THE WAR IS NOT YET OVER! It is a WAR to determine WHO is LORD—Jesus Christ or Caesar. The Superior Court in Los Angeles has now removed the Receiver, but the lawsuit is not over. More about that later. But first l ...

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The French-Speaking Peoples In Prophecy The French-Speaking Peoples In Prophecy  -  Chapter 1   
Dibar K Apartian  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1961

History knows, in general, that the Gauls are the true ancestors of the French; but there again, there are very divided opinions on the origin of this Celtic people. Who then were the Gauls? Where did they come from? What is their true origin? What were their characteristic traits, their customs, th ...

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The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation  -  Chapter VII   
Roderick C Meredith  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1956

Divisions and scandals plagued the Protestant camp during Luther's later years. The armies of princes and political power might guarantee that the reformed religion would be outwardly maintained in certain territories. But they had no power to cleanse the faith and morals of subjects, nor were the ...

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What Is Your Idol? What Is Your Idol?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1969

A UNITED STATES senator preached a sermon in a Methodist pulpit in Los Angeles. Of all things, imagine a well-known senator saying that patriotism is a false god to many people! And he is right. "Love of country can transcend the love of God," he said, "and we must, in time of stress, avoid making p ...

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The Origin of Law The Origin of Law
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  May 13, 1983

Is it possible that all churches and religion in the United States could be banished or regulated by the Federal Government as it was in the Soviet Union? A Wall Street Lawyer says in a National magazine that we could lose all religious freedom if the present government course continues. In that art ...

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Now - Your Most Important Time Now - Your Most Important Time
John D Stettaford  -  Good News   -  February 1983

You have been given an important job to do in this age. Much depends on whether you fulfill your part! Few realize, when they first come into contact with this Work, exactly what God is doing. Consider the casual listener to the World Tomorrow program. Or the person who by chance picks up a copy of ...

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An Open Letter to Parents An Open Letter to Parents
Alfred E Carrozzo  -  Good News   -  September-October 1972

ONE OF the most important God-given responsibilities we parents have is our children. Their safety and future depend on how we fulfill our responsibilities. Part of the great commission given to us in this end time is the task of turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts ...

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The Vatican Looks Toward Eastern Europe The Vatican Looks Toward Eastern Europe
Lester L Grabbe  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1972

Communism and Catholicism have often been cast in the role of deadly enemies. But the barriers may be torn down in the future. Signs of thaw and its significance are plainly evident on both sides. "Religion is the opiate of the people," wrote Lenin, the founder of Soviet Communism. His religious ant ...

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Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1985

We continue, with this fourth installment, the serial publication of Herbert W. Armstrong's latest book Mystery of the Ages. COULD ANYTHING be more mysterious than the question of the unseen spirit world? Angelic beings have always been a mystery to people on the earth. Do angels actually exist? I ...

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Did Christ Obey Man's Government? Did Christ Obey Man's Government?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  August 14, 1979

In an unprecedented move, in January 1979, the State of California placed the Worldwide Church of God into Receivership, attempting to replace the leadership and the board of directors. Placing any corporation, let alone a church, in Receivership is a drastic legal remedy. It amounts, in essence, to ...

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Lynn E Torrance  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1962

Listen! Here is amazing proof that the God - rejecting theories of Evolution, Nazism, and Communism were inspired by the German Rationalists - and the shocking undercover plot they are now perpetrating. German Rationalism has deceived the entire modern western world. This atheistic philosophy has wo ...

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A Reader Asks: A Reader Asks: "Which Is My God, Then?"
Leslie L McCullough  -  Good News   -  February 1984

Today, scores of different religions revere hundreds of different gods. But who and what is God? How can you know whether you worship the real God? Which God do you worship?" The question sounds absurd. To Western minds, God is the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible. However, the Judeo-Christian God i ...

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An Open Letter to Young People An Open Letter to Young People
Tom Carrozzo  -  Good News   -  September-October 1972

WHEN I was about five years old, I remember going to literally dozens of churches with my parents. First one and then another. My dad was searching for something, and I don't believe even he knew what. One night on our way to a sports arena in San Diego, California, to hear an "evangelist" na ...

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Meditation and Mantras - Paradise Regained? Meditation and Mantras - Paradise Regained?
D Paul Graunke  -  Good News   -  December 1976

East is East and West is West, but never the twain shall meet," wrote Rudyard Kipling in 1889. But times have changed. Today East and West are meeting on many levels. For several decades the rendezvous was in the Orient as Middle and Far Eastern countries acquired Western technology and sty ...

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