Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 19, 1976 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 19, 1976
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 19, 1976

It seems very possible God has once again revealed something NEW to us, and important. Actually the TRUTH—which has become the accepted and official teaching of this Church—started under most unusual conditions. This is GOD'S Church, and it, in this present era, rose up in this world whose God is ...

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Norman L Shoaf  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1982

Let's face it. No other single force is more responsible for the worldwide epidemic of drug and alcohol abuse than hypertension, or excessive stress. What do we see in the world around us? Overcrowding. Interpersonal conflicts. Economic uncertainty. International strife. Uncertainty about the futu ...

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The Bible Story - Jacob Falls In Love The Bible Story - Jacob Falls In Love
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1959

Isaac had just sent away his son Jacob to stay with Uncle Laban in Haran for a while. With Jacob gone, his brother Esau did not take the trouble to pursue his brother. Instead, he tried to please his parents by marrying a woman who was not a Canaanite, as were his previous wives. This third wife Esa ...

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WHY Are Christians the 'Salt of the Earth'? WHY Are Christians the 'Salt of the Earth'?
Norman L Shoaf  -  Good News   -  February 1982

Can you explain why Christ referred to His disciples as "salt"? Just who are you, really? Do you ever wonder what your specific purpose in life is? Do you sometimes have trouble figuring out exactly where you fit in the great scheme of things? Are there times when you simply don't feel useful or i ...

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Friends Remember Mr. Armstrong Friends Remember Mr. Armstrong
Worldwide Church of God  -  Good News   -  May 1986

In the course of fulfilling the great commissions God gave to him, Herbert W. Armstrong developed warm friendships with dozens of leaders in government, education and industry around the world. At his death, dignitaries showered God's Church with condolences paying tribute to Christ's apostle. L ...

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The Coming World Government The Coming World Government
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

The biggest issue of our day is government, right? Government. It's about time, Americans, Canadians, and all of us took a look at the entire global arena of humankind and not just one nation as it strives to solve its own domestic chauvinistic, racist, political, or other ills because after all, ...

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Compendium of World History - Volume 1 Compendium of World History - Volume 1  -  Chapter Seven   
Herman L Hoeh  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1967

No period of Egyptian history is in greater confusion than the close of Dynasty XVIII. To reconstruct this period scholars have limited themselves almost wholly to the meagre finds of archaeology. without any proof whatsoever, they have rejected or silently passed over the testimony of Africanus and ...

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The Occult Explosion - Part 3 The Occult Explosion - Part 3
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

You probably grew up thinking that a witch was an ugly old hag with black clothing and a ragged hat that flew about from chimney to chimney, riding a broomstick and wondering, as we joke about, where to park the thing when she went indoors. I suppose I should be saying about this time, things like w ...

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A WHALE of a TALE, or - The Dilemma of the Doubting Dolphins! A WHALE of a TALE, or - The Dilemma of the Doubting Dolphins!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1967

Did DOLPHINS and whales EVOLVE? Evolution says fish grew lungs, slithered ashore, grew legs, changed scales and skin for hair and hide, gills for nostrils, and altered their whole skeletal system, flesh, circulatory system, reproductive system, eyes, nervous system and complete makeup. Then, says ev ...

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The Bible Story - Volume I The Bible Story - Volume I  -  Chapter 10
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1982

TRUSTING that there would be little trouble, Jacob nevertheless arranged for Rachel and her son Joseph to stay behind the other people in his caravan. That was because Rachel was the wife he especially loved and Joseph was his favorite son. Then he moved up past his family and servants on his way to ...

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Where Is God When Little Children Suffer? Where Is God When Little Children Suffer?
Patrick A Parnell  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1985

Why does God allow human heartache and misery? But especially, why does God let tragedy strike little children? A MOTHER wrote a letter to a syndicated newspaper columnist. In it she said: "I can tell you firsthand that of all human suffering, none can equal the pain of a mother who must put he ...

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Gerhard O Marx  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1965

Gang-style bonk raids, murders without motive, sudden violence - all this in dignified Britain. Why this sudden upsurge in crime? London. An unparalleled wave of violence and shootings has brought widespread fear to Britain. In a recent two-week period London witnessed five armed raids on banks, a n ...

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The Bible Story - Volume II The Bible Story - Volume II  -  Chapter 15
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1961

GOD CALLS MOSES, WHY IS IT that you girls are back home so much earlier than usual?" Reuel asked his daughters. "An Egyptian was at the well where we go to water our flocks," said the daughters. "Evil shepherds rushed in to drive our herds away, but this stranger drove the shephe ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1964

When Paul preached the gospel at Rome, where was Peter? Why is the book of Acts strangely silent about the twelve apostles after their departure from Palestine? Here, revealed at last, is one of history's best-kept secrets! Why has the truth about the journeys of the twelve apostles been kept from ...

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SCIENCE: Why Hasn't Science Discovered GOD? SCIENCE: Why Hasn't Science Discovered GOD?
John E Portune  -  Good News   -  January 1974

In less than a single century, scientific investigation has revolutionized the face of society. And yet many things, including God, continue to evade the scrutiny of scientific inquiry. Is there a lesson in this for educated modern man? UNTIL the latter half of the nineteenth century, the intell ...

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