Plain Truth Magazine
June-July 1978
Volume: Vol XLIII, No.6
Issue: ISSN 0032-0420
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Edward R Walsh  

What kind of world will our children inherit? What new challenges will they face? Abundant leisure time is sure to be one. Some sociologists are forecasting a workweek of between 20 and 24 hours by the turn of the century, and the IBM Corporation has identified leisure developments as a major clue to future life-styles. If we could peek into the future, what might we find? The Institute for the Future, a think-tank operation based in Menlo Park, California, has projected a scenario of American society for the year 2000. Here's what you have to look forward to. Most homes will be equipped with tridimensional color TV sets mounted on wall screens, with a third of them wired for pay TV. Nearby holiday travel centers will provide you with instantaneous fare information and ticket reservations on a global basis. Push a button and you'll learn in an instant about forthcoming leisure events throughout the world.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune-July 1978Vol XLIII, No.6ISSN 0032-0420