Know The Answer?
Who served 14 years to earn Rachel for his wife?

Genesis 29:30

God's Church Goes Forward
Good News Magazine
April 1959
Volume: Vol VIII, No. 4
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God's Church Goes Forward

With more growth and blessings from God, we need more WORKERS in the spiritual harvest! Here is more challenging news of development in the body of Christ! THIS Church for which Jesus Christ died is continuing and accelerating its spiritual growth and POWER to witness! The constant growth we report in these columns should be a real CHALLENGE to every one of you to prepare to play an even greater part in this work to which Christ has called us all. But in addition to the news of overall growth that we bring you, many have requested that we give you many items of personal news about the ministers, elders, deacons, their families, and the other leading members in God's Church today. Since we are all one body, "and members one of another" (Rom. 12:5 ), it is well that we do understand and share each other's trials and blessings as much as possible. However, let us always remember that this is not just news to talk about, but to rejoice in and to pray about.

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Good News MagazineApril 1959Vol VIII, No. 4