Science vs. Theology? - Lunar Geology What Makes the Moon Shine?
Tomorrow's World Magazine
May-June 1970
Volume: Vol II, No. 5-6
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Science vs. Theology? - Lunar Geology What Makes the Moon Shine?
Robert E Gentet      |   Remove Highlight

Lunar Geology What Makes the Moon Shine?
S. Erlander

"And God made two great lights... the lesser light to rule the night" (Gen. 1:16).
   The moon is a cold hunk of rock. And yet it appears as a shining jewel in the night sky.
   For many years man has known that the moon's light is just reflected sunlight. But not until the flights of Apollo 11 and 12 could man fully appreciate just how perfectly God designed the moon for its specific job.
   The discovery of moon dust — tiny glassy beads (spheres) which cover a large part of the moon's surface — was a primary accomplishment of man's first lunar landings. Also found were glazed, mirror-like glassy surfaces of very recent origin, probably not more than 30,000 years old (Dr, T. Gold, Science, page 1345, Sept. 26, 1969).
   Today, on earth, small glass spheres are glued to thousands of stop signs and roadside advertisements because it is known that such tiny solid glass beads are excellent reflectors of light. And a glazed glassy surface is also a good reflector.
   By what better method could God have created a cold rock that would reflect sunlight and thereby illuminate the earth at night?
   According to Dr T. Gold, the only logical method by which the moon's surface could become glazed was by an intense flash of heat (far ultraviolet to far infrared) for 10 to 100 seconds. But such heating could not have originated from the surface of the sun, earth or moon (Science, ibid). Could the moon's reflecting surface have been generated for a purpose? And by a Supernatural Power?

Mental Health Smitten With Madness
R. Oberlander

   Only 12% of the sample 1,034 children [ages 6 to 8] studied [in New York City] were found to be mentally healthy..." (Today's Child, May 1969).
   What is happening in our cities? When 88% of our children are at least somewhat mentally ill, is there any hope for the future?
   In Deuteronomy 28:15, 16 God proclaimed, "But it shall come to pass, if you will not hearken unto the voice of the Eternal your God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day; that all these curses shall come upon you, and overtake you: Cursed shall you be in the city...." In Deuteronomy 28:28 one of the specific curses mentioned is, "The Eternal shall smite you with madness...." It becomes very apparent that this prophecy has been powerfully fulfilled, when only one child in eight is normal — when six out of eight are neurotic — and when every eighth child is actually psychotic.
   God wants to bless us with mental health and prosperity — yet He places the decision on us: "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live" (Deut. 30:19).

Anatomy Pineal Gland — a Vestigial Organ?
D. Winnail

   Vestigial organs have long been cited as providing convincing evidence for the theory of evolution. These "useless structures" have, in fact, been called the "showpieces" of evolution. Some textbooks claim that the human body resembles an "old curiosity shop" — full of useless relics, housing more than a hundred vestigial organs.
   Until recently, the pineal gland, a small, pea-sized organ located in the brain, had been regarded by some as "... a vestigial organ homologous to the pineal sense organ of the lower vertebrates" (A Textbook of Histology, page 324, 1957). The structure was classified as a rudimentary organ in man due to its relatively small size and because it had no ascertainable function.
   These assumptions now prove to be in error. Current evidence indicates that this "vestigial" organ "is one of the most biochemically active and complicated organs in the body" (Chemical and Engineering News, May 1, 1967). This tiny gland is connected by nerve fibers to the retina of the eye and appears to function like a "biological clock" in the body. It secretes several substances, including a hormone, melatonin, that acts on the sex glands and possibly the thymus and pituitary glands also. Production of the hormone seems to be regulated by light impulses received from the eye. Rats exposed to prolonged darkness show high levels of melatonin and decreased reproductive activity. Just the opposite effect was noticed when the animals were exposed to continuous light, The entire function of the pineal gland remains to be determined, yet according to Dr. Richard J. Wurtman, a pioneer in pineal research, the idea that the organ is a "vestige... is rapidly being refuted" (Hospital Practice, January, 1969).
   Evolutionists reject the idea that man's body was fashioned by a Supreme Being who placed organs in the body in a specific way and for a specific purpose. Instead they suggest that the body has accumulated unnecessary parts as it evolved. The facts don't support this conclusion. As man's knowledge about his body increases, the number of "vestigial organs" continues to decrease. This confirms what has been in the Bible for almost 2000 years! The God that designed and created man's body in His own image "is not the author of confusion" (I Cor. 14:33). He does things according to plan in an orderly fashion (I Cor. 14:40). That God didn't give man a body that resembled an "old curiosity shop," but a body that was "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14).

Dinosaurs — How They Died
R. Genbt

   Millions see dinosaur bones each year in sites such as the Dinosaur National Monument's Visitor Center in northeast Utah. But most fail to grasp the significance of what they are seeing because the displays are written as if the theories of biological evolution and geological uniformity were true.
   The Utah site betrays the traditional explanation. Here the scattered bones of both swamp-dwelling and dry-land dinosaurs are found buried together. Whatever wiped them all out was thorough, massive and swift. Five thousand feet of sandstone and shale were piled over them, creating a deep burial. (See the above picture in which the dinosaur bones, all compacted together, evince a quick burial under catastrophic conditions.)
   Their remains have now been made visible because of a powerful force which thrust up the nearby mountains. What were once deeply buried and horizontally lying strata have now been set up on edge and deeply eroded, thus exposing the fossils.
   Evolution? Uniformity? Hardly!
   This former world came to a CATASTROPHIC end.
   The fossil record proves it.
   And the Bible explains why.
   The Age of Reptiles was before the Age of Man. That's why no trace of human remains (or the life usually associated with man) is found with these extinct reptiles.
   Genesis 1:1 describes God's originally perfect creation of the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:2 begins the description of God's formation of man's world. But between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is a time lapse. A critical time lapse — of unknown duration.
   In Genesis 1:2 the earth appears chaotic and confused. The Hebrew words for "without form and void" are tohu and bohu. The earth — and other portions of the universe — had become an indistinguishable ruin. Water covered the entire earth. No sunlight pierced through the thick, poisonous atmosphere. The earth lay in total darkness.
   The product of a great catastrophe. The very same destruction which had almost instantaneously obliterated all the great dinosaurs.
   (For more information read our free articles - Did God Create a Devil?, booklet - "Did God Create a Devil?" and "Dinosaurs Before Adam?")

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Tomorrow's World MagazineMay-June 1970Vol II, No. 5-6