Time Is Running Out!
Plain Truth Magazine
November-December 1983
Volume: Vol 48, No.10
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Time Is Running Out!
Patrick A Parnell      |   Remove Highlight

This world's civilization is ending. A new civilization is coming. Here is what is about to happen — and why!

   THE PRESIDENT of the United States recently made a dire prediction. He warned that unless the world's two superpowers reduce the number of nuclear "warheads pointed at each other, it will be "the end of the line for all of us." Here is what he said in detail:
   I can't believe that this world can go on beyond our generation and on down to succeeding generations with this kind of weapon on both sides, poised at each other, without someday, some fool, or some maniac, or some accident triggering the kind of war that is the end of the line for all of us."
   President Ronald Reagan made these comments while speaking to an audience of business. leaders, gathered together in Washington, D.C. But it was a message for more than businessmen.

Staggering Arms Buildup

   We know six nations clearly have nuclear capability. Nine other countries have the immediate ability to make nuclear weapons. And according to estimates, by 1985 there will be as many as 35 nations with the technological capabilities to produce nuclear weapons. Reality is that with each added nuclear club member, the World War III fuse shortens!
   Military preparations have even moved into outer space. World military planners are preparing to, in their own words, "wage war effectively" from outer space. Space-based weapons will "add a new dimension to our military capabilities," they announce as a matter of course.
   Optimists look to peace negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union. But both deliberate back and forth over nuances of meaning in arms control negotiations without coming to a real agreement: Besides, the United States and the Soviet Union are not the only nations with nuclear weapons! In the opinion of Dr. Herbert York, formerly President Jimmy Carter's chief negotiator at the Comprehensive Test Ban negotiations in Geneva, the real threat of the next use of nuclear weapons will not be from either the' United States or the Soviets!
   "It is my hunch," he warns, "that the next use of nuclear weapons will be by somebody other than either the United States or the Soviet Union" (San Diego Union, June 20, 1982).
   And The Plain Truth has been giving this same warning for decades.
   There will be another world power bloc, another powerful force that will soon emerge to change the course of history. More about this later.


   But why is It, in the nearly 6,000 years of recorded history, that mankind has never been able to end war and "have lasting peace? Why is it that the only thing it seems we've ever learned from "war is" how to make war more devastating the next time?
   Why wars in the first place?
   There are obvious reasons why nations go to war and why war exists.
   War is big business. Some go so far to say privately we could use another limited war to get" the economy moving. Such statements, though irresponsible, do make a point. Manufacturing and selling military hardware involves big money, in the West and behind the Iron Curtain.
   Entire industries exist arid flourish for this very reason. Thousands of jobs hinge on weapons manufacturing and supply. Consider, for instance, the latest in a long line of weapons now on the market — the new military attack helicopter being produced in the United States, the AH 64A Apache.
   It's a modern, sophisticated, technological marvel by any military standard. It's advertised as "a total system for battle." Survivability and firepower are maximized. It's lethal, able and reliable, day or night and under adverse weather conditions.
   This latest modern military marvel is loaded with firepower. Its missile systems, say its makers, defeat all known armor threats, reduce engagement time, permit launch from hidden positions and provide direct/indirect firing capabilities, allowing multiple-target engagements. It has optimized first-round kill, say military experts, and couples with that maximum survivability to enhance any nation's weaponry.
   The price? A hefty $14 to $16 million each!
   This is also a world that feeds children on a mental diet of shoot-em-ups on television and in the movies. Fighting is pervasive from childhood on television and in the movies. Little boys also get toy pistols, toy soldiers, toy fighting tanks, jet fighter planes, warships, space vehicles and other military paraphernalia almost as soon as they take their first step.
   Is it any wonder why we live in a world of violence? It shouldn't be. It's taught, learned and accepted from youth!

Infringement on Rights

   Wars are caused primarily by one nation infringing on the sovereignty and integrity of another nation. Revolutions spring up over questions of poverty and loss of freedom. Racial misunderstandings, religious differences, political disagreements explode into violence.
   Still, social scientists and professionals in international relations find it difficult to really pinpoint the underlying reason why peoples can't get along with one another and solve their differences so the world can have genuine peace. The solution to civil strife and war still remains elusive.
   But there is a solution to civil strife and war. There is an underlying reason why troubles exist. If only nations and individuals would listen and heed.
   The truth is that the solution to war is not past finding out. There is a way to peace. This information has been available to mankind throughout history. But humans have not been willing to heed it.
   We call the source of this vital knowledge the Bible.
   In it is revealed knowledge, revealed to man by the Creator God; spiritual knowledge that man could never attain or discover any other way.

It Is an Attitude

   It is all a matter of attitude of mind. Notice what Jesus Christ said:
   "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man" (Mark 7:21-23).
   These thoughts and attitudes are what cause hostilities, bloody revolutions and wars!
   True, people and nations say they want peace, but they want peace their way — not God's way, and not someone else's or some other nation's way.
   God's way of life, the way to peace, is based on outgoing consideration for others. That attitude has been left out of human teaching and learning for the most part. It is not a part of the thinking at the nuclear disarmament talks. It has not become part of human thought processes.
   Human greed and lust have prevailed worldwide. Taking, instead of giving. Hate, not love. War is the natural result. Fighting in the family, among neighbors and in the nations and among nations.
   The Bible makes it plain in the New Testament. Read it for yourself! "From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts — that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not" (Jas. 4:1-2).
   Individuals and nations fight and kill, desiring to have. Is it any wonder they don't have peace? And if God is sought, his way of life isn't whole heartedly tried.
   "Ye ask," James is inspired to say, "and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts" (Jas. 4:3). Each is looking for his own selfish interests.
   But where does this attitude of self-centeredness and greed come from?
   Now understand a vital truth.
   It is not fashionable today to acknowledge a devil. But there is a real devil who influences human behavior to be what it is. Satan the devil has deceived the nations into believing that self-preservation at the expense of others is the only way to survive. "... that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world... " (Rev. 12:9).
   Read that again! He, Satan, "deceiveth the whole world." And it is this influence that causes hatreds and wars! (Just how this ancient archangel — the former Lucifer — accomplishes his deceptions is explained in the free booklet Human Nature Did God Create It?
   The first human family, under Satan's influence, rejected God and God's way. Their children reaped the consequences. Cain, greedy, hateful and jealous, sought revenge and killed his own brother Abel. "And it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him" (Gen. 4:8). And brothers have been killing brothers ever since!
   Attitudes are the same now as then! Hate reigns. Vengeance rules. A spirit of revenge predominates. Mistrust and selfishness override. Now we're on the brink of human annihilation.

What Is Needed

   It is time for national and individual repentance and a renewed acknowledgment of God and his power to protect those who trust him.
   Said the apostle Paul: "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom. 12:19-21).
   God has all might and all power. If even one nation were to turn to God and follow this way to peace, God would protect that nation against its enemies. Or if even one nation's ways pleased God, he'd make that nation's enemies to be at peace (see Proverbs 16:7).
   The solution to fighting and war is to put God's way of giving, of concern for others, to the test. It may sound simplistic in a world filled with complicated peace initiatives and selfish, territorial claims. But this is the only real way to peace in the family, among neighbors and between nations!
   What nation is willing to heed this message today?
   But even if the nations do not heed the way to peace, world peace is coming — and it will be imposed on mankind by the Almighty God for our own good.
   Jesus Christ, the second Adam (I Cor. 15:45), unlike the first Adam, overcame Satan's every temptation (Matt. 4). He qualified to become this earth's ruler. He promised to return to this earth as "King of kings, and Lord of lords" (Rev. 19:16) to bring this world peace by restoring the government and the laws of God to this earth (Acts 3:19-21).
   When Christ returns he will take charge, putting down and eliminating all opposition to God and God's way of life (Rev. 19). Satan will be then bound for 1,000 years so that he can't continue deceiving the world (Rev. 20:2).
   Hate and violence will subside. Stockpiling and making military weapons will become a thing of the past. Weapons will be converted into peaceful, productive implements. "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks" (Isa. 2:4).
   Methods of warfare will no longer be taught. Says God, "Neither shall they learn war any more" (same verse). Instead, God's way of life will be taught from childhood. "And he will teach us of his ways" (Isa. 2:3). Knowledge about God and God's way of life will prevail worldwide. Peace in the home and among nations will reign.
   What wonderful good news — the very good news or gospel (gospel means "good news") that Jesus brought nearly 2,000 years ago. The world has rejected that message. We announce that message in the pages of The Plain Truth. You have now read it.

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember-December 1983Vol 48, No.10