Know The Answer?
Who am I: I am the mother of thousands of millions, and my descendants possess the gates of my enemies. I became the wife of Isaac.

Genesis 24:60

Good News for Black Africa
Plain Truth Magazine
February-March 1985
Volume: Vol 50, No.2
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Good News for Black Africa

INTERNATIONAL DESK - I WOULD like to write an article about black Africa," I told a friend from West Africa. "Any suggestions?" "Be encouraging," he said without hesitation. "We get enough bad news." He explained that he knew most Plain Truth readers live in the more affluent parts of the world and need to be reminded that there are some difficult times ahead. But many readers in black Africa, he said, already have to cope with difficult times. In their part of the world poverty has become a fact of life.

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary-March 1985Vol 50, No.2