Teen Bible Study: Let God Talk to You
Did you know that God will talk to you today — it you let Him? But how does God talk to us? What does He have to say? And why is it important that we listen to Him? God does not speak to us today in an audible voice. He talks to us through His written Word — the Holy Bible. In a real sense, the Bible is God's Instruction Book for humanity. Just as a manufacturer sends a long an instruction manual describing what his product is intended to do, how it does it and how it is to be maintained, so God has an Instruction Manual for humanity. His supreme physical creation. In it God tells us what we are, why we are and how to live so we may achieve His awesome purpose for our lives! As the foundation of all knowledge, the Bible contains information we desperately need to know. It is full of knowledge that could not be obtained anywhere else. In this study, we'll learn why it is so important to let God talk to us today. Before you begin, be sure to get a Bible, pen or pencil and paper. Look up the scriptures that answer the questions. Writing out the verses will help you remember the principles God wants you to learn. 1. How did God reveal His will thousands of years ago? Genesis 17:1-3, Exodus 33:11 (first part), Deuteronomy 5:1-4 (especially verse 4), Hebrews 1:1. How did God later speak to humanity? Hebrews 1:2. Where are the words of God and Christ preserved for us today? II Timothy 3:16, Romans "1:1-2, Zechariah 7:12. In the days of the patriarchs and prophets of the Old Testament, God at times spoke to His servants face to face. At Mt. Sinai (Horeb), He thundered out the Ten Commandments to the nation of Israel. Jesus Christ came to earth to further reveal God's will and plan for humanity. His words were recorded in the New Testament, which includes other vital information God inspired His servants to write. God caused these inspired writings to be pre served and put together to form the Holy Bible we have today (see. "Inside the World's Best-Seller," on page 11). Therefore, when you read the Bible, realize that God is talking directly to you! 2. What is God's Word called? John 17:17. Can we absolutely depend on what God tells us in His Word? Titus 1:2, John 10:35 (last part). Will God's Word stand forever? Isaiah 40:8, I Peter 1:25. God has revealed Himself as a God of truth. Since the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God, we know that it is true. 3. In His Instruction Book for humanity, God gives us the rules and guidelines for leading a happy, interesting and fulfilling life. Where is the foundation for these instructions found? Read and summarize Exodus 20:1-17. How are these foundational principles summarized? Matthew 22:36-40. God's Word reveals a way of life based on the Ten Commandments. They show us how to love God and our neighbor. God amplifies them throughout the Bible and shows us how to apply them. ENROLL IN FREE BIBLE COURSE This short Bible study is a sample of the study method used in each monthly lesson of the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. No matter what your age, reading the Bible is a way you can listen to what God has to say to you. (Photo by Craig Clark) 4. Does God tell us He will bless and look favorably on those who treat His Word with respect and awe? Isaiah 66:2. Will things go well for those who seek to learn and do what God says? Psalm 1:1-3 (especially last part of verse 3), Luke 11:28. 5. What does God think of David, one of the kings of Israel? Acts 13:22. Just how valuable did David consider God's Word? Psalm 119:72, 162. David knew from practical experience that God's Word contains a priceless storehouse of wisdom and understanding! 6. Did David let God talk to him through His Word ? Psalm 119:9-10. Did he often think about how to apply it in his life? Psalm 119:97. What fantastic benefits did he receive as a result? Read and summarize verses 98 to 105. David diligently studied the portion of God's written Word available to him in his day. Wherever he was, David thought about God's law and how to apply it to his life and the society in which he lived. Because he listened to God's instructions. David was exceedingly blessed. He became wiser than his enemies and understood more than his teachers. David proved that God's Word is true by putting it to practice in his life. 7. Does God want us to prove that His Word is true? I Thessalonians 5:21. What does God want us to do with the precious knowledge He conveys to us? James 1:22. God wants us all to have happy and successful lives (John 10:10, III John 2). That is why He has given us His Instruction Book that contains the vital keys for successful living. In it God reveals to us vital instruction on subjects such as marriage, sex, money, work and getting along with others. As we learn and apply these principles in our lives, we prove that His Word is true by the blessings that result. 8. How will following God's way of life affect our understanding of His Word? Psalm 111:10. A vital key to understanding the Bible is to read it with the attitude of applying what you learn to your daily life. 9. Is God's Word useful for correction and reproof — for showing us where we are wrong and what to do about it? II Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12. God wants us to avoid developing habits that will hurt us. By letting God talk to us in His Word, we can discover harmful practices and attitudes in our lives and learn how to correct them. As you read the accounts of Old and New Testament personalities, think about how you can apply the lessons you learn from them. God had portions of their lives recorded so that we could profit from their experiences (Romans 15:4, I Corinthians 10:6, 11). 10. Notice now an important example King David set for us today. Did he ask God to help him understand His truth and apply it in his life? Psalm 119:18, 33-34. When you read and study the Bible, first ask God to help you understand the true meaning of His Word. Ask Him for guidance in understanding His message for you. Then begin your study, thinking about how you can apply what you learn. But where is a good place to begin reading and studying the Bible? One way to begin your study of God's Word is to read it all the way through from Genes is to Revelation. This will give you a broad overview of what is in the Bible. 11. Many also find it helpful to study one subject at a time. But does all the information on anyone subject always appear in one place? Isaiah 28:9-10. God has caused the Bible to be written so that the truth about any one subject is often revealed "here a little, there a little." So if you want to learn what God has to say about a subject, find the passages in the Bible relating to that subject. A good concordance (a book that shows where specific words appear in the Bible) is essential in this method of study. The marginal references in your Bible are also helpful. Another study aid is the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. Each lesson puts together relevant scriptures about a major biblical truth. See the box on page 23 to learn how to enroll in this free course. 12. Will the knowledge of God that we may, come to know and understand today, spread throughout the world in the soon-coming world tomorrow? Isaiah 2:2-3, 11:9. Through His servants the prophets, God has revealed what life will be like in the future. They reveal a utopian paradise of peace, happiness and joy because everyone will know, understand and practice the way of life God reveals to us in the Bible. The whole world will then be listening to and applying what God has to say to humanity. Now is the time to let God talk to you. Begin tapping the priceless knowledge that will help you to experience a successful, happy and rewarding life!