Know The Answer?
What was Israel's major complaint against Solomon?
He taxed them too heavily.

I Kings 12:4
Dear Youth 85
Youth Magazine
February 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 2
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Dear Youth 85
Youth Magazine Staff  

Question: A nice boy I've liked since we were 13 has told me he just doesn't like me anymore. I have accepted the fact that he doesn't care for me as before, but I still feel hurt and sometimes get depressed. Is there any way I can get over my hurt feelings? Answer: Probably everyone reading your question has experienced the emotional pains of rejection, especially from the breakup of a romantic friendship. Although no magic pills exist to take away the hurt, there are some things you can do. Realize that rejection by this one person is not a rejection by the whole world, nor a sign that you are worthless. At the proper time you will probably find numerous others who find you interesting and attractive.

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Youth MagazineFebruary 1985Vol. V No. 2