How firmly grounded are you?
Having opened a little-used desk drawer, I came across an accumulation of sermon and sermonette notes from services I had attended years ago. As I nipped through the yellowing pages, my eyes fell on certain powerful and unforgettable messages. Memories flooded my mind while words came to life once again, after having been preserved for so long on paper... Your 'sticking point'? "What is your sticking point'?" was the question posed in one sermon more than 20 years ago. Speaking in the then - new tabernacle at Big Sandy, the minister wasn't referring to the sticky Texas humidity. Blurred ink on the perspiration-stained notepaper however, bears witness to just how hot and humid it was that day. "This life," continued the speaker, "is full of tests, anyone of which could he a stumbling block for us if we allow it. This becomes our sticking point. "Could it be that personal bad habit that it seems so difficult to overcome? Or could it be an unhappy family situation? Is it a job that requires you to work on the Sabbath?
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