Know The Answer?
To what famous priest did Abram give a tenth of everything?

Genesis 14:18, 20

Personal from the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
August 1962
Volume: Vol XXVII, No.8
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Personal from the Editor

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - AGAIN I am writing from my study in our cottage on the grounds of Ambassador College in England. On one side of my study, double glass doors open onto a stone terrace. We have a very beautiful and very proud peacock on the college grounds. His hen, at present, is setting on three of her eggs in a small thatched-roofed one-room gardeners' tool house past the far edge of the beautiful Japanese gardens. She won't move from her nest. Our gardeners rake food to her. But this strutting peacock is perfectly willing to move from the vicinity of the nest. Do you know, I almost think he must be endowed with a bit of human nature! When the gardeners let him out for the day, I usually find him on the terrace just outside my glass doors looking in. And when he is not there, he is quite likely to be found looking in the floor-length glass windows which extend across one side of our living room. Repeatedly, again and again and again, I have tried to shoo that peacock away from our terrace. But always he comes back. Today our head gardener explained the reason. In his best Welsh accent, he said:

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Plain Truth MagazineAugust 1962Vol XXVII, No.8