Know The Answer?
What was the name of the pool in which Jesus told the blind man to wash?
Pool of Siloam

John 9:7

The Real CAUSE of the RACE CRISIS!
Plain Truth Magazine
October 1963
Volume: Vol XXVIII, No.10
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The Real CAUSE of the RACE CRISIS!

Today, for SURVIVAL, the world needs the wisdom of a Solomon to solve the race question. Now it threatens WORLD WAR! Here's the plain TRUTH - WHY there is trouble - HOW different races originated and WHEN - WHAT is the only SOLUTION! The Race Crisis has become the biggest domestic problem in the United States, threatening our national existence. Rapidly it is becoming the major WORLD PROBLEM, threatening, in a way almost no one foresees, the existence of this WORLD! It is far more serious in what it portends and where it will lead than statesmen, editors or commentators realize. Newspapers, magazines, radio and television commentators in the United States, and all over the world, are trying to analyze this mounting, rapidly spreading worldwide racial revolution.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1963Vol XXVIII, No.10