Personal from the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1964
Volume: Vol XXIX, No.4
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Personal from the Editor

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - YOU MAY have read the principle article in This Week magazine for March 8, circulated in many metropolitan newspapers. (Circulation 14 1/2 million copies.) The article was a report on what is happening to religion in United States colleges. It was captioned: "Is God Leaving the Campus? The subhead asks the question of WHY so many college students "end up without any genuine belief in God or the moral values." Are these students - future world leaders - better off ending up with this intellectual MATERIALISM - with moral convictions discarded? NOTICE THE RESULT! Then I want you to know the shocking FACTS - the CAUSE of this tragic result. The RESULT? Unbelievable thousands of premarital pregnancies. A shocking rise in mental breakdowns and in suicides on college campuses. Six hundred college psychiatrists were polled. The composite answers revealed that psychiatric help is being sought by 15% of students, but ought to be by 45%. VIRTUALLY HALF OF ALL STUDENTS, say the psychiatrists, NEED IT!

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1964Vol XXIX, No.4