Do you realize the specific JOB promised true Christians in the World Tomorrow? Are you preparing for it intelligently and realistically?
THIS is a HELL BENT WORLD! With the stark specter of worldwide famine, with the increasing amount of brutal crime and violence of all descriptions — with the stepped up tempo of RACE WAR, the skyrocketing incidence of pornography and FILTH, and the breakdown of respect for all law and constituted authority — it should be obvious that this world needs straightening out! But how and by whom? Men have been experimenting and theorizing with solutions to world problems for about six thousand years of recorded history. And the war-torn, hate-filled, divided, starving world you see around you and read about is — to a large extent — the RESULT of man's endeavors. Man's endeavors, that is, apart from GOD! The greatest prophet who ever lived described our day: "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matt. 24:37). In the Genesis account of those days before the flood, we read: "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with VIOLENCE (Gen. 6:11). Yes, just like today!
What Is GOD'S Solution?
If you can believe what your Bible actually says you will learn that the destiny of man — as purposed by his Creator — is the opportunity to join God in ruling this world and later, perhaps, the entire universe! Jesus Christ promised: "And he that OVERCOMETH and Keeepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: and he shall RULE them with a rod of iron..." (Rev. 2:26-27). Again, He said: "To him that OVERCOMETH will I grant to sit with me in my throne... (Rev. 3:21). Sharing His throne, of course, would denote sharing in the ruling. The man or woman who overcomes then, who yields to God and MASTERS the temptations and pulls of the flesh — this person will be given the tremendous opportunity of RULING the nations of this earth under the personal direction of Jesus Christ! Although few professing Christians today seem to realize it, your Bible is literally saturated with this message! This is the TRUE GOSPEL — Good News of the coming world-ruling government of Jesus Christ AND His SPIRIT BORN SAINTS! The Apostle Paul told the brethren at Corinth: "Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? (I Cor. 6:2-3) In Revelation 5:10, the true saints are pictured as rejoicing that Christ has redeemed them, "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and WE SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH. The prophet Daniel described the coming rule of Christ and His saints on earth AFTER the soon-coming revival of the Roman Empire in Europe is crushed. "And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him" (Dan. 7:27).
Goal of True Christian
According to the Bible, then, what is the real GOAL of the Christian? It is, through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Savior, to be forgiven his past sins — his REBELLION against the government and laws of God. "For sin is the transgression of the law" (I John 3:4). Next, through the power of the Holy Spirit given by Christ, he strives to GROW spiritually, to be an OVERCOMER — mastering his vain, lustful, lawless human nature and yielding to let God make him FIT to be a KING. Remember, ruler ship with Christ is given only to him that OVERCOMETH (Rev. 3:21). God's way has always been to choose the most capable men for the job among those who are surrendered to His rule. In choosing rulers and judges over Israel, God instructed Moses: "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people ABLE men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens" (Ex. 18:21). The GOAL of the true Christian is NOT to "roll around heaven all day"! It is not to strum idly on a harp — watching the fleecy clouds go by! It is to RULE with Christ on THIS EARTH — making it a beautiful, happy, productive and peaceful place for the millions of our children and grandchildren who will live over into The World Tomorrow! Every thinking person should begin getting ready to attain THAT Goal! We should ask our Creator to help make us FIT to join the saints in ruling this world under Jesus Christ. God has set His true ministers to help His people attain the GOAL. They are to teach and inspire God's people to GROW SPIRITUALLY more like Christ in every way, "Until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a PERFECT man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph. 4: 13). But how do we become like Christ? Where do we begin? Are there definite AREAS of life we should concentrate on improving? Certainly! There are at least SEVEN AREAS of life which need special development if you are to be qualified for Ruler ship under Jesus Christ. Study them. Develop them. PREPARE, now, to be a King under Jesus Christ and straighten out this world's mess GOD'S way!
I. Develop the MIND of a King
Certainly the most important thing that separates us from the dumb brutes is the human mind. Through it we have creative powers which, though limited, are like those of God himself. Also, we have the capacity of learning and acting on spiritual truths — even when these go against the normal lust of our flesh and brain. We have the capacity of DECISION. We can RESIST the wrong and we can CHOOSE to do the good. Beside the total surrender of will demanded of all true Christians, the most important mental quality needed by a ruler in God's government is WISDOM. This is the ability to take all factors of any given situation into proper consideration and then make the right decision. It is the most important single quality really needed in the office of President of the United States or any other high government office. Other men may supply the technical knowledge of how to produce an H-bomb, but it is up to the heads of state to have the wisdom not to use it to blast human life off this planet! Knowledge of course, is merely the possession of various facts and bits of information. Understanding is a tremendously important mental and spiritual gift. It involves the capacity to grasp the true principles and laws which govern success or failure in life and the true GOALS of life. Understanding also involves a grasp of the true origin and outcome of things why we are here, why things are the way they are in this world, what is the purpose of life and where are we headed. This kind of complete understanding, of course, is a gift from the Creator. But an important measure of true understanding is sometimes given to human leaders in this world such as Sir Winston Churchill who spoke of "the great PURPOSE and DESIGN" being worked out here below. To be a leader in The World Tomorrow, then, you should seek most of all for wisdom and understanding and then diligently acquire such knowledge as is useful and necessary in order to be a true Christian and a real help to others in this life. The Eternal God says: "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get WISDOM: and with all thy getting get Understanding " (Prov. 4:7). Learn to be alert and to exercise perception in discerning the trends and the motives in the situations around you. Learn also to see the big PICTURE. Be able to view each problem, trial or situation in relation to its relative importance on your whole life, the whole world and even the whole universe! Be big-minded. Don't let little things upset or disturb your judgment. God instructs us: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5). Certainly even the human Jesus' mind was big — able to see far beyond the end of His nose, practiced in the exercise of understanding wisdom and self-control. Ask GOD to help you exercise these qualities of the mind of Christ. Steady God's Word to learn more about them. Read widely — especially the writings and examples of the truly great men of history who have had, at least in degree, these mental qualities. At this point, however, let me remind you that next month's article in this vital series will explain in detail the mental qualities necessary to be a King. It will give many examples and will tell HOW to develop these important qualities! This introductory article is written to give you, in advance, the whole picture. It should help you to see the many facets of OVERCOMING that are needed — and the fact that the GOAL of the true Christian is a very positive and a very literal one. And that YOU NEED TO BE PREPARED!
II. Glorify God in Your Body
The human body is called, in the Bible, the "temple" of God's Spirit (I Cor. 6:19). We are made in the outward form and shape of God — though He is composed of Spirit and we are composed of rotting, decaying corruptible flesh. But the responsibility of caring for this physical body — preserving it intact, keeping it in well-conditioned, vibrant, vigorous health, keeping it graceful and lithe, keeping it physically clean and morally pure — this responsibility is a VITAL part of the basic character training required by Almighty God for all potential Kings in His soon coming kingdom! We moderns have been entirely too lax and lazy in caring for our bodies. Millions even in our Western world are soon going to have that lesson BURNED into their hearts and minds as the epidemic of heart attacks, cancer and other "modern" diseases brought on by one way of living takes its toll — and is suddenly multiplied by the prophesied disease epidemics that will soon be raging up and down the land! Many of our troubles are caused by frustrated, confused, tormented minds — which in turn cause or heavily contribute to more bodily ills than most people even begin to realize. The maintenance of a dynamic, positive and cheerful outlook is most important in maintaining physical health. Another keystone of health which most people "know about" but do practically NOTHING about is pro per diet. Millions —especially in America — are going on various diets and "cures" for an overweight condition. But very few indeed are carefully assuring themselves that they get enough of the NATURAL health-building elements in their diet to build radiant health and guard against sickness. And, of course, most of us need to be far more careful about our intake of starches, sugars, fats and greases. These items need to be cut VERY LOW not only to guard against obesity, but to avoid high cholesterol content in the bloodstream leading to possible heart attack and also to prevent the wrecking and ruining of many a stomach! Regular, vigorous exercise is another vital keystone in building and maintaining radiant health. Hundreds of fine exercise programs are easily available. It is the WILL to follow them which is sadly lacking. But one who would be a leader, a King, must have vibrant health and energy if he is to command the wholehearted respect and admiration of his people. He needs this to be constantly "on top" of every trial and problem — dominating and actively LEADING as a King should. In this physical life, your health has a tremendous effect on the zeal and energy with which you approach even mental or spiritual problems. And the Godly character you develop through DISCIPLINING this physical body might well mean the difference between your being a King or the proverbial "doorkeeper" in The World Tomorrow! Month after next, in the December issue, we will discuss this vital success "keys in depth. Meanwhile, do your level best to apply the principles just given to "glorify God in your body."
III. Develop the PERSONALITY of a King
The next point to develop is your personality. A friendly interest in and outgoing concern for others is a tremendous asset to any potential leader. For a leader is one who LEADS — not one who shouts and screams or physically forces his ideas on others. The outgoing concern, the courage, the dynamic enthusiasm and ringing conviction of Sir Winston Churchill for the cause of Britain and free peoples everywhere was a truly powerful factor — all by itself — in helping to prepare the way for Allied victory in the Second World War. Dozens of times, in fact, the history of entire nations has been affected and altered by the personality of their LEADERS. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones" (Prov. 17:22). This statement in God's Word shows the powerful effect of a happy, positive frame of mind not only on one's self, but on others! "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother" (Prov. 18:24). To inspire his subordinates and command their respect and loyalty, a real leader certainly will cultivate a friendly persuasive personality and GIVE of himself to others. In preparing to become a literal KING in God's soon-coming government, learn to GIVE of your personality, warmth and genuine friendliness to others!
IV. Develop the CHARACTER of a King
The development of right character is paramount for anyone in a position of ruler ship. The honesty, purity, fairness, self-discipline and LOVE exemplified in the life of a King or ruler is the strongest possible influence on his subjects to be this way themselves. Throughout the history of God's people Israel in the Old Testament, the inspired record shows again and again that the entire nation followed the example of its king's personal honesty, morality and willingness to follow and OBEY the Eternal God. When the King was a murderer, whoremonger or idolator, the vast majority of the people followed his derelict example. When any King yielded himself wholeheartedly to the Eternal to walk in His commandments, statutes and judgments, the entire nation was swept by this sentiment and quickly began to experience the BLESSINGS and protection of the Creator. People do follow their leaders. The basis of ALL true character is found in Matthew 22:35-40 in your Bible. It is Jesus Christ's answer to the question of which is the "great commandment." He said: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. " If any national leader truly yielded himself to the will of His Creator — the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — his people would be blessed indeed. If such a leader would follow, obey and WORSHIP the true God with ALL HIS BEING, the character, accomplishments, happiness and prosperity of his nation would be absolutely and literally FANTASTIC. Following his example, his people would become honest fair to each other and completely loyal to their King. They would honor their parents; obey the laws of the nation — as long as these didn't conflict with the laws of God. They would work hard six days — producing MUCH PROSPERITY, and they would rest on the seventh day, worshiping the Creator God and renewing not only their physical strength but their spiritual energies and convictions. Murder would be practically unheard of. Divorce, broken homes and crime would soon become almost obsolete. And in their rainfall, their overall weather, their crops and the entire produce of their fields and forests, lakes and streams, plus the fabulous underground wealth of their oil wells and mines, they would be BLESSED with overflowing wealth and riches. Fantastic? Not at all! For this describes literally what is prophesied to happen in The World Tomorrow when the Kings and Governors over nations will be leading their people in THE WAY of God! For when leaders everywhere have the character to discipline themselves, to worship and OBEY the Creator — living by ALL TEN of the Ten Commandments — then the truly "great society" will be established on this earth under the living Jesus Christ.
V. Develop Your FAMILY LIFE
If we human beings are in training to be literal Kings in the soon-coming government of God, what better training could we have in guiding, protecting and, in great love, RULING OVER human beings than with our own children and families? The fact is that each family is like a miniature kingdom. It should be ruled over — not by screaming, rebellious children — but by a father and a mother who truly LOVE each other and work together to set the right attitudes and patterns of behavior in their home. The father should play the part of a strong, wise, masculine, yet protective and beneficent King. The mother is his Queen — set over the household affairs and exercising her responsibilities with love and wisdom, and in complete accord with her husband's wishes. The children are taught, trained, nurtured and disciplined for THEIR GOOD. Family duties and chores are allotted to each member of the household. Family play and recreation is something to which everyone looks forward. There is order, harmony, and discipline in this miniature kingdom. There is JOY. And there is PEACE. A beautiful description of this type of family "kingdom" is extended to the man who obeys God: "Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table" (Ps. 28:3). In anticipation of your ultimate GOAL, go to work and build this area of your life. Understand God's purpose in it — and be BLESSED.
Jesus Christ will soon return to this earth with majestic POWER to rule this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. Tremendous trumpet blasts will accompany His return. His face will shine like the sun in full strength. Men will never again talk about whether God is "dead"! Rather, they will finally wake up to the fact that human life did not just "happen." They will stand in awe and FEAR of their Creator! In person, Christ will RULE this earth at last! But WHY does He want to rule? What is His MOTIVE? He will do it in order to save man from blasting himself off this planet. He will do it in order to bring about peace, happiness, and prosperity. In a word, He will do it in order to SERVE His own Creation — the human race. In His earthly ministry, Jesus taught: "Whosoever will be great among you let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant" (Matt. 20:26-27). Jesus' entire motive in ruling and directing people is to help and SERVE them. It is NOT to "show off," exalt the self, or crush others down through human pride and vanity. It is only to help them lift them up point them in the right direction for their own good. This should become OUR MOTIVE, always. In this life, then, we should cultivate the attitude e and habit of SERVICE and LEADERSHIP — leading only in order to serve. So think ahead be alert to the opportunities you may have to advance the welfare of your family, your friends, your group. Learn to concentrate your time and energies in these areas where you are just naturally able to lead — where your natural talents and abilities are greater. Be willing to take the lowest job first — if it affords you an opportunity to serve your fellow man. Master that responsibility — then greater opportunities of service and leadership will present themselves. In the attitude of serving others, learn to lead and dominate in carrying out any of your responsibilities at work, at home, in your club or group. By friendliness, enthusiasm, confidence, preparation and DRIVE, learn to lead others in the right way and thus SERVE THEM. Christian leadership based on SERVICE is the best possible preparation for your job as a King under Jesus Christ in The World Tomorrow!
VII. Seek and Learn to EXERCISE the POWER of God
In preparing to be a literal King in Christ's soon-coming government, awareness of and ability to exercise God's POWER is absolutely vital. For although we are not given anywhere near the degree of supernatural power in this life as we will in God's Kingdom, we certainly need to become familiar with it, appreciate it, and learn to exercise the wisdom, patience, and self-control in exercising it that we should. It is sad but true that many of you readers will simply not know what I "mean" by God's power. For most professing Christians today think that it is a sort of generalized "force for good," or that it is a type of so-called Pentecostal emotionalism which involves shouting and screaming, chills up and down the spine and other products of crowd psychology and mass hysteria. Or perhaps, many of you will have no clear-cut idea of what it is. The apostle Paul prophesied that this would be so. He warned: "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers... Having a form of godliness but denying the Power thereof: from such turn away (II Tim. 3:1-5). But what is the true exercise of that power? It is, first and most important of all, the spiritual strength of character that enables the truly converted Christian to OVERCOME his own human nature and vanity and grow to become LIKE GOD. It is God putting His very own nature in us through the POWER of His Holy Spirit! The apostle Peter speaks of the precious promises given us, "that by these ye might be partakers of the DIVINE NATURE... (II Pet. 1:4). Paul describes the Divine help we receive through the Holy Spirit: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER, and of love, and of a sound mind" (II Tim. 1:7). As begotten sons of God, we receive His very nature. This gives us — as we yield to God and grow spiritually — the spiritual strength to increasingly MASTER the wrong ways, habits, lusts and vanities that seemed impossible to overcome before. Then, gradually, we become FIT to be given additional spiritual powers. These include the spiritual "gifts" listed in I Corinthians 12:8-10 — wisdom knowledge faith healing miracles prophecy etc. Although the Bible definitely indicates that more outstanding miracles are intended by God to be performed in some ages than others, those who are really close to God in study, prayer, faith and obedience are to be the recipients of supernatural MIRACLES and BLESSINGS in every aged. This Power comes from personal direct yielded contact with the God of the Bible — the God of Peter and Paul — the God of Jesus Christ. Notice the illuminating account in Mark 1:32-35. Jesus had been casting out demons and healing every sickness and every disease of those who came to Him. Then: "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there PRAYED. Jesus spent countless HOURS in communion with the Father. He walked with God, talked with God, yielded His will to God and obeyed His commandments. He was God-centered — constantly seeking in all things to be an instrument in God's hands. And so the POWER of God's Holy Spirit literally surged through Him like a torrent and GREAT MIRACLES were performed! That is the "key" to this facet of exercising God's power! But there is much more that will have to wait until the final article in this vitally important series.
Act on These Points
Remember, though, this world REALLY needs straightening out! Whether this world believes it or not, likes it or not, prepares for it or not, the Creator God is GOING to straighten things out through the direct RULE, the government of the living Jesus Christ and His spirit-born saints. Then, as the world begins to cooperate, there will be permanent peace prosperity and deep Joy. Those who assist Jesus Christ in straightening out this world's staggering problems will need to be dedicated and balanced leaders. They will be those who — as Zealous dedicated Christians in this life — understood and ACTED on the matter of glorifying God in the development of mind, body, personality, character, family life, service and leadership and in seeking and exercising the POWER of God. So go to work on these qualities. Anticipate and study the coming articles in this continuing series. Prepare now, to be a King!