Know The Answer?
Who said "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom?"
The thief on the cross.

Luke 23:42

What Do You Mean ...The END of the WORLD?
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1973
Volume: Vol XXXVIII, No.4
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What Do You Mean ...The END of the WORLD?

Doomsdayers and false prophets have predicted the "end of the world" for centuries. But never was there an era like the 20th century. Could our generation indeed be witness to the close of an age? NEVER BEFORE have apocalyptic visions and scenarios of future calamities been more rife. Theologians and scientists alike have vividly described what could be "the ultimate holocaust." Nuclear scientists warn that life could be annihilated in a thermonuclear war. Others cry out that mankind threatens the biosphere with pollution. Global population pressure itself portends dire famine, pestilence, and "food wars." Could we be living at the end of an age? Could our generation be in the Biblical "time of the end," the "last days," mentioned so many times by the Biblical prophets? Could our generation witness an event foretold in the Bible - "the second coming of Jesus Christ"?

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1973Vol XXXVIII, No.4