Know The Answer?
Where were the words "Mene, Mene, Tekel Upharsin" first written?
On a wall in Belshazzar's banquet room.

Daniel 5:22

EUROPE: CATASTROPHE AND REVIVAL: Germany becomes the dominant European - Part 8
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1975
Volume: Vol XL, No.1
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EUROPE: CATASTROPHE AND REVIVAL: Germany becomes the dominant European - Part 8
Paul W Kroll  

After Napoleon's downfall events began to fall into place for the emergence of the German people as dominators of the European continent. The period from 1814 to 1945 was a fascinating era in European history. The German nation again surfaced and became the dominant continental European power. It was not the old Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, but a militaristic-nationalistic empire in fully modern garb, almost completely shorn of the ceremonial and religious accoutrements of its medieval predecessor.

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1975Vol XL, No.1