The two prophets are Moses and Jesus, like-minded, totally in agreement at the heart of any matter. The One who became Jesus was the One whom Moses knew as YHVH the Spokesman, the Word, the Logos, the Lord of the Old Testament. This One revealed to Moses that every human being would have his one opportunity for salvation, despite his intervening death in his own uncalled generation; that there was in God's design one Last Great Day when all past generations would be physically resurrected to be given their one and only chance. In addition, He told Moses that the purpose of human life was to become God as God is God! No pie-in-the-sky, harp plucking, cloud-floating eternally retired psalm singers, but real, active, all-powerful sons of God! But the question is: What will those sons of God be doing? What does our Father have in mind to keep us busy - joyfully, eternally productive?
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