Greetings from Pasadena! We had a very fine conference of the International Directors last week. They are an extremely loyal and enthusiastic group of men, and it was an inspiration to be with them.
The highlight of the conference was our four-hour visit with Mr. Armstrong in Tucson. In a very special way, on this occasion, I think all of us realized that we were in the presence of God's Apostle. Mr. Armstrong was exceptionally warm and heart-felt, and what he had to say to us was obviously inspired by God.
Before the luncheon in his home, we had the opportunity to perform four ordinations: Mr. Bram de Bree, Director of the Dutch Work, was raised to Preaching Elder; Mr. Stan Bass, Director of the Work in the Caribbean, was raised to Pastor; Mr. Walter Dickinson, Director of the Spanish Work, was raised to Pastor; and Dr. Roy McCarthy, Director of the Work in South Africa, was also raised to Pastor rank in Christ's ministry!
Needless to say, this was very inspiring and encouraging to everyone present. There were a lot of wet eyes and some heart-felt congratulations.
All is going well here at Pasadena. The income is holding fairly steady at about 8-10% increase, and The PLAIN TRUTH list is again growing.
The College staff tells me that this year's incoming freshman class looks truly outstanding: Many are near the top of their high school classes, have excellent SAT scores and really seem to be motivated more than in recent years. So this certainly indicates that Christ must be preparing us for real GROWTH in the future by having these young people trained ahead of time!
Now for the perennial BAD news. During this time of "testing" in the Work of the Living Christ, it seems that many drop out or have to be terminated from God's Work, and it is my duty to keep you informed.
So here goes.
Dennis Pyle refused to come in on sabbatical and has resigned from the ministry. Jim Redus also refused to come in for his sabbatical and has resigned. Dennis Adams has been terminated from the ministry as he wants to pursue a secular vocation.
On a much more serious note, Daryll Watson has been terminated and disfellowshipped for disloyalty to God's Work. He is already actively cooperating with the enemies of Christ's Work. Jack Yartin has also been terminated and disfellowshipped. He, too, was found actively assisting the enemies of this Work. And I am very sorry to report that David Robinson whom we worked with personally for many, many hours on his problems, has had to be terminated and now disfellowshipped because of gross disloyalty to Mr. Armstrong and this Work.
If we, ourselves, are going to be loyal to Christ, then we must heed the command of His Apostle: "Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned: and avoid them" (Romans 16:17).
Again, we are being "tested" on the key issue of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD! Some of these rebels try to talk and reason and argue and somehow "slide" the whole matter into another realm. But it is just plain DISLOYALTY to the government of God which all these men and all of us have preached for years.
Fellows, read again I Samuel 8:l-7. The account here certainly indicates that there was a genuine problem and that Samuel may, in fact, have been slow in acting on it. But even though virtually "all" (verse 4) the leading men of Israel decided to rebel against the government of God through Samuel, did that make it right?
For God said to Samuel: "They have not rejected thee, but they have rejected ME, that I SHOULD NOT REIGN OVER THEM!"
Down through history, carnal men have ALWAYS seemed to find "fault" with — God's government through His human instruments. Note Acts 7:35 — "This Moses whom they refused, saying, 'Who made thee a ruler and a judge?' The same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush."
Later, they rejected Samuel. And still later, they crucified Jesus Christ.
Weren't there some "real" problems extant that the Israelites stumbled at in the days of Moses and in the days of Samuel?
Of course!
But the rebels failed to see the BIG PICTURE! They failed to recognize that, in spite of "real" problems that these men of God had and that you and I also have, they were still dealing with the government of GOD! And, as God told Samuel, when we reject a tried and tested white-haired patriarch or apostle, like Samuel or Mr. Herbert Armstrong, we are rejecting GOD!
Well, fellows, excuse me again for preaching. But all of us need it once in awhile — including me — and it appears that many of us need it at this particular time. For it is so easy to forget that the Living Christ is directing His Church — fashioning and molding us, trying and "testing" us — and preparing those who are loyal for responsibilities in His soon-coming government over this entire earth.
I know that the vast majority of you are loyal, and have stood firm with us through these several years of trying and testing. Thanks very much for your loyalty, your hard work and your enthusiasm. Let's all keep it, up, build loyalty and unity in all those entrusted to our care, and help Mr. Armstrong prepare this Church as the bride of Jesus Christ. You will be rewarded — eternally.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith