Know The Answer?
In Nebuchadnezzar's dream what were the feet made of?
Part iron and part clay.

Daniel 2:32

How to be an OVERCOMER
Good News Magazine
April 1951
Volume: Vol I, No. 1
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How to be an OVERCOMER

WHY are we not more successful in living up to God's standard? WHY do we slip and fall occasionally? Here is how YOU can overcome where YOU are weakest and hardest tempted!! DO YOU have some "besetting sin" - some point of weakness, perhaps secret, you have been unable to overcome? Have yoa ever met temptation, struggled with it, only to wake up a little later to the remorseful fact that you had slipped, and failed to overcome? Or perhaps you are struggling with some habit that holds you as its slave - struggling, wrestling, always fighting it, yet somehow never able to conquer it. Only the Overcomers. These things are serious. We mast overcome these sins, these habits. these sudden temptations, - be cleansed of them thoroughly - if we expect to get thru to the Kingdom and inherit eternal life. "To him that OVERCOMETH," says Jesus, "will I grant to sit with me in my throne."

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Good News MagazineApril 1951Vol I, No. 1