Know The Answer?
Why did Uzzah touch the ark on its journey to Jerusalem?
To keep it from falling off the cart.

II Samuel 6:6

Why Were You Born?
Good News Magazine
November 1951
Volume: Vol I, No. 3
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Why Were You Born?

HOW DO you know there is a God? To the agnostic or atheist I reply, "Look about you. The creation you see is visible proof of the pre-existence of the CREATOR." What is God's work? For He does work - Jesus, you know, said, "My Father works, and I work." His work is that of CREATOR! God, then, creates! Now look about you again. Look at all the species and forms of living creatures. How many of chose whom God created and started living are able to think, plan, devise, and then bring about, by making or creating, that which was thought out, designed and planned? What You Can Do. Of course none but God Himself can create in the strictest sense of bringing into existence that which did not even exist. But changing existing materials, and putting them together in a new and different way - in other words, MAKING things - is akin to actual creating and often called that. How many creatures can think, plan, design, and then execute the idea into MAKING things? By instinct beavers build dams.

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Good News MagazineNovember 1951Vol I, No. 3