Know The Answer?
What happened to Lazarus before Jesus arrived at his home?
He died.

John 11:14

Two New Churches! - Hundreds Baptized!
Good News Magazine
August 1961
Volume: Vol X, No. 8
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Two New Churches! - Hundreds Baptized!

Our greatest NEED is being fulfilled! More churches are starting. And many more ministerial candidates are gaining EXPERIENCE. JOYOUS news comes of the first Sabbath services in two new churches? On the Sabbath, July 8, the first services were held in Little Rock, Arkansas, and Memphis, Tennessee, for God's people. In both cases, attendance was even beyond expectations! There were 180 in attendance at Little Rock, and a surprising 182 people attended in Memphis. The Details. Mr. Wayne Cole, assisted by Mr. Ronald Dart, has done the preparatory work of writing and counseling with many members in both areas before starting these local churches. Mr. Cole has had considerable experience in founding new churches and is one of the ablest ministers in God's Church today. Mr. Dart is a dedicated and thoroughly trained graduate of Ambassador College - a man we should all be hearing a great deal from in the future.

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Good News MagazineAugust 1961Vol X, No. 8