Know The Answer?
What am I: We are kept for seven days. There is a holy day on the first day and last day. Removal of sin is the dominant theme of this feast.
Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Exodus 23:15

Church of God News - Worldwide
Good News Magazine
April-May 1965
Volume: Vol XIV, No. 4-5
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Church of God News - Worldwide

Thousands keep Passover and the Holy Days. Press expansion and ordinations keep pace with growth in God's Work! MORE THAN 15,000 brethren around the world met together to observe this last Passover. The symbols of bread and wine were solemnly taken by multiple thousands more in their individual homes, because they were scattered beyond the reach of a local meeting place. On the Holy Days of the Days of Unleavened Bread over 28,000 brethren met together in scores of church areas to observe the Feast. There's not room to cover all the news from every area, so this time we will skip over news from the United States and cover more thoroughly the overseas Festivals. Although Alaska is not overseas, this Passover was the first time we were able to hold services there, and I'm sure you would be interested in the details.

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Good News MagazineApril-May 1965Vol XIV, No. 4-5