The Unpardonable Sin - Part 1
Religion is difficult to divorce from politics, from science, from the space race, from the arms race, from international geopolitics, from the monetary crisis, or from the way of life as it is lived by millions of people in different countries all over the world. When you look at the world and its problems, you are looking, the chances are, at various religious hang-ups. Take India for an example. Here are millions ...
July 27, 2024
Join us for Sabbath services. Each Sabbath we post a Sabbath service at 7:00PM (CT-USA) Friday Evening (Sabbath sunset to sunset). You provide the opening and closing prayer and we'll supply the psalms and messages! Hope you enjoy them!

Holy Day services are also provided on all of God's Holy Days.

Sabbath Service

For the many thousands of you Brethren who would have been present if it had been possible - and as a tribute to our First Lady - we reproduce the full text of the funeral service delivered by Albert ...
Will the Common Market survive the energy crisis intact? This is the big question the experts are asking as Western European nations scramble over each other's backs to arrange private deals for that ...
Over thirty-eight thousand attend Feast of Tabernacles worldwide at ten different sites. Twenty-eight ordinations bring total in ministry to two hundred and ten. Read all about "The Best Feast Ever!" ...
Your MARRIAGE Can be Happy
It's becoming RARE to find truly HAPPY marriages today! Divorce is rending asunder marriages at an unprecedented rate — and for every divorce there are several other homes that are unhappy, miserable, wretched. It's about tim ...
The Word of God tells us that all who will follow the Christian way of life will have to face three deadly enemies. These enemies tend to discourage us from overcoming sin and developing the character of Christ. They put ...
Could you please tell me what it means to be an unworthy servant, or unprofitable servant? I know a woman very well, she is very much in the Church, thankful and trying hard, yet she was afraid that she wasn't growing enough, fast enough, or perhaps well enough. The scripture she had in mind was in Luke 17 chapter 17 verse 10. I wonder if some of us ever wondered about this too, because of the fac ...