Forerunner Paving the Way
Are you going to be laid waste in our time in a nuclear holocaust, and it is coming. But there is also good news; humanity won't end, and on beyond is going to come a real happy and peaceful world tomorrow that we've been proclaiming on this program for a long, long time. A former professor of Harvard University, now president of a society called Physicians for Social Responsibility, has said, "We'll be lucky to surv ...
Jesus Christ's message was concerned with the government of nations. Christians are those who follow Christ. Here's what He would do. The presidential campaign is on full blast in the United States. T ...
Here is the conclusion of the true story of the true Church, founded A.D. 31 by Jesus Christ, the unique and only voice giving a hopeless world its only and sure hope-the soon-coming peaceful and happ ...
Bible prophecy reveals events of our time and world-shaking events soon to change your life. A major world-shaking event as foretold in the symbolic language of a mysterious, world-dominating, wild be ...
IN THE September, 1962, number of The GOOD NEWS an article appeared on this subject. It was PLAIN SPEAKING! It said, "In this instruction to the spiritual children in God's Church, your Pastor is maki ...
The Crucifixion Was Not On Friday
This is Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, upon which Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was crucified. The natural caves in this small hill outside the walls of Jerusalem give the appearance of eyes, and, below the rock w ...
Doctrinal Outlines - What is Death?
Public enemy No. 1! That's how death can be described. For truly it will slay us all, and at a time of its own choosing. But paradoxically, although we all know we will die, very few know exactly what death is. Certainly deat ...
Mr. Armstrong Address SEP, Orr Minnesota - July 1979 - Well, I see they've brought a chair and a desk up here for me, and that's not because of age, because I'm not the age people think I am. The calendar is an absolute liar! Now, I thought it had been at least three or four years since I had been here and here they're trying to tell me that the last time I was here was 1970 and that's nine years ...