The Occult Explosion - Part 2
I could be looking into the daily newspaper to find out whether I ought to do this program. After the last one, I did on the subject of demonism, satanism, witchcraft, and astrology. In other words, the occult. I'm not, I don't consult astrological columns, but it's big business these days. As a matter of fact, almost any grocery store or supermarket shelf will have books and journals, magazines and of course, even y ...
Yes, they tried Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations. They are trying the United Nations. Many have awarded the Nobel Prize, and many have been awarded the Nobel Prize for world peace. Yet world peace i ...
WHAT ABOUT hair, sleeves, skirt lengths, necklines and jewelry? What about men's neckties, cuff links, and monogrammed wallets? WHAT ABOUT curlers, permanents, fingernail clippers, and wedding rings? ...
The astounding truth: Most of today's colleges and universities will be obsolete in 15 years. Here are the eye-opening FACTS. Two of tomorrow's colleges are here already! "MOST COLLEGE STUDENTS IGNORA ...
Since earliest antiquity, the Middle East has been the setting for countless wars, repeated invasions, and frequent domination by foreign powers. Those throughout history who have made their homes on ...
The Ten Commandments
As a motion picture, they were acclaimed by the world. As the law of God, they have been loved by some, hated by others - but transgressed by all. The Ten Commandments have been cursed, maligned, distorted, vilified; some, by ...
MINISTUDY: The Feast of Tabernacles Pictures the World Tomorrow
God's seven annual festivals picture the steps in His master plan for reproducing. Himself through mankind. The first three festivals occur during the spring. They picture great events leading to the first spiritual harvest o ...
Well Brethren, we need to realize the time that were living in, the condition today is serious. In the news now we're hearing about a nuclear winter, a nuclear war and Bible prophecy says one is coming and all indications are that it's going to come sooner than we think. That it would create a vast cloud to cover the whole earth and to virtually shutout the sun until it would be a nuclear winter. ...