Repent - Surrender to the Rule of GodNow, my friends, once again why is it that we have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, but a gospel of men about His person? Now we have been going through the New Testament to see what gospel Jesus did preach, what He taught His disciples, and the customs that He practiced. We have just seen during the past week how Jesus was sending His students, His learners; because the word 'disciple' means 'a student' or 'lea ...
Mr. Armstrong continues proclaiming the Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD in nations around the world. For some 20 months, due to total heart failure in August, 1977, I was prevented from proclaiming C ...
You are at fault — and I am not going to budge one inch until YOU apologize, and say you're sorry!" "No — YOU started it all." is the quick retort, "and YOU will have to apologize FIRST!" Could this b ...
In the last issue of The Good News we learned that God hates gossip and we saw from the Bible itself (flat slander pandering is an enormous evil for which God will hold the guilty responsible. But ...
Since last May I have been moving swiftly to set the Church of God back on the track as GOD'S CHURCH. I have set the radio and television programs back on GOD'S track. Secularism and the leaven of mod ...
"NO MAN EVER SPOKE like this man," reported their officers to the Pharisees regarding Jesus. The multitudes "were astonished at His doctrine." Today the same living Christ, through The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast, The PLAIN TRUT ...
Summary of Bible Chronology - 3980-3050: Adam lives 930 years (Gen. 5:5) - 3850-2938: Born in Adam's 130th year, Seth lives 912 years (Gen 5:3, 8) - 3745-2840: Born in Seth's 105th year, Enosh lives 905 years (Gen 5:6, 11) - ...
Celebrating a very special time, celebrating a time that is to come, and it is very significant that at this particular time, at this festival season, there is a great deal that is going on in the world around us and there are events that are going on that are actually setting the stage for the fulfillment of this festival that we are here observing. I'm sure most of you have been following to som ...