Except The Father Call Him
Now we need to be conscious of the Babylon of religious confusion that exists in the world today. Beside more than two hundred and fifty sects and denominations of the Christian religion, today in the world we have Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam or the Islamic religion, Shintoism, Taoism, agnosticism, atheism, and evolution. And even the latter two are religions, and religious beliefs. ...
Will the Common Market survive the energy crisis intact? This is the big question the experts are asking as Western European nations scramble over each other's backs to arrange private deals for that ...
Free societies are gradually disappearing! Within a few months you have seen the world's largest democracy revert to a virtual dictatorship, with mass arrests and loss of personal freedoms. In free ...
The greatest Feast of Tabernacles in this age illustrates the phenomenal GROWTH in God's Church! Also NINE new churches raised up - and NINE ordinations! God's RICHEST blessings came pouring down duri ...
Pressure is mounting on world leaders to step in and engineer a settlement to the Arab-Israeli dispute. But are the big powers big enough to bring justice and lasting peace to this troubled, vitally i ...
What Is Faith?
Millions lack faith to receive answers to their prayers - to free their minds from fears and worries. To a large extent this is due to lack of understanding what faith is. A recent broadcast on the subject by Mr. Armstrong he ...
MINISTUDY: The Evidence of God's Holy Spirit
Do you have God's Holy Spirit? Are you a Spirit-begotten child of the living god a true Christian? How can you know? This concluding study in our three-part series on the Holy Spirit will show you where to find the answers to ...
A couple of weeks ago we went through and focused on the mark of the Beast on Satan's plan of disobedience and mark of disobedience a mark that makes a clear distinction between those who obey and keep the commandments of God, and those who do not. We focused from that stand point on a negative aspect a negative stand point as to a mark or a brand of disobedience. However today, I think it is impo ...