Exploring Ancient History - The First 2500 Years
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Exploring Ancient History - The First 2500 Years
Roy Schulz  

Chapter 18:


Abraham in the History of Austria

   God called Abraham to go to Canaan in the calendar year 1942-1941 when Abraham was 75 (Gen. 12:1-5). But what was happening to Abraham prior to this crucial juncture in his life?
   The Bible does not tell us. But it does not need to for other historical sources do. The ancient "Austrian Chronicles" and Josephus' "Antiquities" provides us with revealing facts about the significant, tragic, and wild adventures Abraham endured prior to the year 1942-1941!
   Ancient history reveals the story behind the story of Gen. 11:28 — why Haran died prematurely. It relates that ABRAHAM WAS FORCED TO FLEE TO EUROPE!

Assyrian Persecution

   Recall the significant fact that Horus, after killing Semiramis in 2006, was the chief ruler of Assyria till his death in 1968. During those years he waged many successful battles as he expanded the empire.
   This Assyrian expansion would inevitably have an effect upon the life of Abraham because he lived in Mesopotamia (a key district of Assyrian control), and was 49 or 50 years old before Horus died! History supports this deduction! Jewish and Arabic tradition tell us that ABRAHAM, IN HIS EARLY YEARS, WAS PERSECUTED BY HORUS!
   This is all too logical. Horus and the Assyrian Empire of that day were Satan's instruments for world-domination. Satan wanted to stamp out all knowledge of God and truth in the world. What little truth remained was preserved in the family of Abraham as well as among the followers of the aging Shem and Heber. If Satan could get rid of Abraham and the rest of the family of Terah, God's chosen line of people would have been eliminated and the light of truth extinguished from the world.
   It almost happened. After the death of Horus, the persecution persisted almost continuously. The Assyrians were gaining control of the world. And like good Assyrians do, they believed in one government and one religion for all. They were imposing one false religion upon everyone.

The Austrian Chronicle

   An amazing document reveals the interesting events of Abraham's life before his call. It is the fascinating old World record, the Austrian Chronicle. This ancient record, just one volume out of a great and monumental German work of over one hundred volumes, preserves the history of the Danubian Valley — the area of Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, Bavaria, and neighboring regions. Written in German, it has never been translated into English. A number of copies of the Chronicle are scattered throughout Europe. One copy found its way to the research library of the University of California at Los Angeles. It was completed in the early 1400's A.D. The last entry is dated 1404.
   The Austrian Chronicle begins its consecutive history with a man of princely birth — none other than the patriarch Abraham.
   It is most unique that an ancient Austrian historical record should begin its list of rulers with a Hebrew name! Yet, apparently, the compilers of this record, who did their work in the 15th century, did not even realize this was the great Biblical patriarch. At least this record nowhere states that this was the Abraham of the Bible. And yet this could be no one else because, when the chronology of the Chronicle is matched with the story of Abraham in the Bible, all the dates fit exactly. There are no conflicts; the story is harmonious in every detail.
   The Chronicle states that Abraham was born in an area of Mesopotamia called Aligemorum which was under the jurisdiction of the Assyrian Count Sattan, "Aligemorum" is the Latin name of a district which is now impossible to locate by any contemporary records. Several other geographical names in the Chronicle are unknown at present. Nevertheless, this district of Assyria encompassed the area of Ur of the Chaldees where Abraham was born.


   The Chronicle states that, quite a few years later, Abraham "took to wife Susanna from the land of Samamorum ..."
   Who was this Susanna?
   First of all it should again be noted that "Susanna," like Abraham is another Hebrew name in an Austrian historical record!
   The Bible nowhere names Susanna directly. Yet it does mention her indirectly in Gen. 25:6 where it is recorded that Abraham sent his concubines — plural, more than one — away along with their sons, an event which occurred in 1914 when Isaac was weaned at the age of two (see Josephus). The point to consider at this juncture is the fact that the Bible speaks of only one concubine and one son, Hagar and Ishmael. Yet this verse reveals that there had been more than the one expressly named in the Bible. The Austrian Chronicle names the other one — Susanna!
   The Austrian Chronicle calls Susanna a wife — the Bible uses the expression concubine. Sarah was Abraham's legitimate wife. The individual through whom God wanted the chosen seed to come. Susanna was a secondary wife or concubine.
   Though there is no record of when these unions took place, there is no reason why Abraham could not have married Sarah first and then taken Susanna several years later after the discovery that Sarah was barren (Gen. 11:30). Sarah died at the age of 127 (Gen. 23:1-2). Gen. 17:17 states that she was about ten years younger than Abraham.
   The reason the Austrian Chronicle mentions only Abraham and Susanna, and nothing about Sarah, Hagar, Isaac, and Ishmael is that it is concerned only with the princely line of Austria which they originated! Abraham's life apart from the history of Austria is completely left out of the account.
   Diodorus of Sicily gives a helpful insight into who Susanna actually was. He records that Horus had a half-sister named "Sosannes." Sosannes is simply the Greek form of Susanna! She was of Assyrian royalty. Susanna and Horus had the same father but not the same mother. Semiramis was the mother of Horus. The mother of Susanna is unknown, but, the father was Ninus II. A son of Asshur and a king in early Assyrian history. He ruled 2100-2048.
   Susanna, then, was from the royal line of Assyria. Why should Abraham choose someone with this type of background? He too was heir to royalty and rulership. Genesis 23:6 describes him as a "mighty prince." And it will be made plain shortly that he has legal heir to a vast realm which he had to be willing to forsake. Thus it is only logical that royalty choose royalty.
   Just prior to 1944 Abraham had a son by Susanna whose name was Achaim. From him, after 1895, the royal line of Austria continued!

Abraham Flees

   Recall that Abraham. Had been subjected to persecution from the Assyrians even before the death of Horus in 1968. In 1944 this oppression became extremely serious. The Austrian Chronicle records that "Abraham of Temonaria and Count Sattan of Aligemorum had war with each other, until Abraham was driven from the land in poverty." Abraham had to leave so suddenly he was forced to let his family and belongings remain behind.
   Count Sattan was a lesser Assyrian ruler who had jurisdiction of a district in Mesopotamia near where Abraham lived. He probably took his orders from Arioch, king of Assur, the son of Horus. Arioch ruled 1968-1938. More will be said about him in relation to Genesis 14. Interestingly enough, the name "Satan — "Sattan" with one "t" removed — is still found among the princely line in the regions of Austria and Bavaria to this very day.
   It was in this war that Abraham's older brother, Haran — next in line of patriarchal succession — WAS SLAIN! This is actually the significant factor which explains what is recorded in verse 28 of Genesis 11: "and Haran died before his father Terah ... in Ur of the Chaldees." Terah was an old man at this point — yet Haran died prematurely when he should have easily outlived his father.
   The original Hebrew for the verb "died" may be translated "fell." Thus, "Haran fell before his father" — a definite implication that he was killed. The Bible records what the Austrian Chronicle makes plain: Haran was slain as a result of persecution upon the family of Terah!
   Notice what happened to the individuals in this family. Terah was an old man and apparently the Assyrian persecutors did not think important to bother with him. Haran, however, the oldest son, resisted and lost his life as a result. Nahor, on the other hand, must have compromised, lived in the world, and adapted false religion. (Note that two generations later Rachel, a descendant of Nahor, had household gods. Gen. 31:19) Abraham, next in line after Haran, took the coward's way out. He fled!
   For all his positive traits of character, Abraham also had some negative ones. He was often fearful as the Bible states in later episodes in his life. He was a coward at heart. It is interesting to notice this human element. But God wanted a fearful man so he could put him through experiences that would turn his fear to faith. If Abraham had not been of this type he would not have learned to develop faith and complete trust in God. Because Abraham did not have faith in himself he was able to build faith in God.

To the Danube

   Abraham fled at the time of Haran's death. Where did he go? The Austrian Chronicle continues the story: he was driven our of Count Sattan's realm and fled to the Danube river valley in 1944. There he built a home and settled until the death of Count Sattan. Why did Abraham go to the Danube?
   The most ancient Greek name for the Danube river was the River Noe. "Noe" is the Greek form of the Hebrew Noah. Of course! Noah, in his vast patriarchal duties in the centuries after the Flood, had been to this area of Europe more than once. Abraham, the descendant of Noah knew of this region before he fled there. It as very probable that he learned of it through Shem. Shem, who did not die until 1867 late in the life of Abraham, inevitably must have met with Haran, Abraham, and the family of Terah on more than one occasion. Being a faithful and responsible individual, Shem would have been in contact with those in direct line of succession after him. It is of great significance that the children of Heber through Joktan settled on the Danube. Therefore this region may certainly be classified as a Hebrew area.
   The Austrian Chronicle lists Abraham as the first ruler of Austria and assigns him a 30-year rulership beginning in 1944. This great Biblical patriarch was actually the first "Archduke" of Austria — the cultural center of Europe — believe it or not! The truth of history, when finally recovered, is more fascinating than any tale of fiction could ever be! The end of those 30 years brings us down to the year 1914. The significance of the date 1914 will be discussed next.

Completing the Story of Abraham and Austria

   Abraham, according to the Chronicle, remained on the Danube for about three years until the death of Count Sattan. This brings the story down to the year 1914. At this point Abraham returned to Mesopotamia to get Susanna and Achaim with the intention of taking them back with him to the Danube valley where he had established a home. (The account in the Chronicle does not mention the rest of the family of Abraham because it is concerned only with the royal line of Austria.) However, this is the point at which Genesis 12 comes into the story. God now called Abraham and directed him toward Canaan instead.
   Notice what God said to Abraham in Gen. 12:1: "get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house (Ur of Chaldees), unto a land that I will shew thee." With what we know from Austrian history, God, in effect, was actually telling Abraham: "You'll have to change your plans, Abraham. I want you to go south to a land that I will show you, NOT NORTH TO THE DANUBE WHERE YOU WANT TO MIGRATE, SETTLE AND BUILD!"
   Actually this is only part of the significance behind the call of Abraham. The full meaning of this re-direction of the life of Abraham by God will be presented at a more opportune place in the story. First, the movements of Abraham Susanna and Achaim must be completed.
   The ancient Chronicle relates that Abraham took Susanna and Achaim to the land of Judeisapta — the Jews land." This of course, the Bible makes plain in Genesis 12, was Palestine. But the authors and copiers of this ancient record did not realize this was the Abraham of the Bible. They assumed Judeisapta meant the Danube Valley because many Jews settled there after 710 B.C. (The story is its II Kings 18, II Chronicle 32, and Isaiah 36. Sennacherib, king of Assyria, conquered all the fortified cities of Judah. These Jews were carried captive by the Assyrians and deported to the Danubian region of Europe. Central Europe was a part of the expanding Assyrian Empire before and after 700 B.C.!
   To preserve the continuity of the Austrian material it is necessary to leap ahead in the story to the year 1914. Abraham is given 30 years in the princely line of Austria according to the listing in the Austrian Chronicle — the years 1944 to 1914. Why is Abraham's reign terminated in 1914? The answer to this question provides proof that the Abraham of the Bible and the Abraham of the Chronicle are one and the same person.
   At this point Genesis 25:6 requires more detailed study. This verse tells us that, at a certain time, Abraham sent "the sons of the concubines — and the concubines themselves as well — "away from Isaac his son." This event is actually out of time sequence in the chapter in which it is found. This account is actually a reference back to Genesis 21.
   Genesis 21:8-14 tells us that when Isaac was weaned (at the age of two according to Josephus) Sarah wanted Hagar and Ishmael sent away. Josephus (Antiquities IV, XII, 3) tells us that Sarah was afraid Ishmael would harm Isaac since Ishmael was older by 13 years. As Gen. 25:6 shows by the plural "sons of the concubines" this was also the time when Susanna and Achaim were sent away.
   Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 (Gen. 21:5). This is the date 1916. Two years later, Isaac was weaned — the year 1914. This is when Abraham sent the concubines and their sons away. Susanna and Achaim went out of Abraham's life in 1914 and this is exactly the date when Abraham's years as a prince in the line of Austria are terminated. The chronology of the Bible and of ancient Austria match perfectly.
   The departure of Susanna and her son was a significant event. As far as the history of Austria is concerned, it marks the end of the part Abraham played in the royal family of Austria. By this act Abraham repudiated his claim to Austrian royalty. He gave up totally any right to Austrian or Danubian rulership. This is reflected as his ending date of 1914 in the Austrian Chronicle.

The Early Cultures of Austria

   There is one last significant point in Gen. 25:6. The words "eastward, unto the east country" definitely imply that Susanna and Achaim first went to Assyria before journeying back to the region of the Danube. Other ancient historical sources reveal that the Danubian Valley, by this time, was under Assyrian hegemony.
   In the years 1944-41. During his three year stay after fleeing Sattan, Abraham established a settlement on the Danube. It was to this colony that Susanna and Achaim returned. Here they established Austrian rulership.
   The next ruler after Abraham in the Austrian Chronicle is Susanna herself. She ruled the family for 19 years, 1914-1895. Achaim did not take over governmental authority until a later time because he was still relatively young for this responsibility. This fact indicates that Achaim was born just prior to 1444 when Abraham was forced to flee.
   Achaim took the reins of government and ruled for 45 years to 1850. He married a Hungarian Countess and they had four children. From this family the royal line of Austria continued. (The list of rulers to 1040 A.D. is given in Dr. Hoeh' s Compendium, Vol. II.) The family of Susanna was not the first to settle in the Danube region of eastern Europe — but it did become the dominant on. Those who descended from Abraham and Susanna and their son Achaim, became the ruling family of this part of ancient Europe.
   What other peoples were in this region? First of all there were Indians (some of whom later migrated to the new world — American Indians) because southeastern Europe borders on Thrace and Thrace was the home of the of the Red Men. Germans (Assyrians) were also living here because they had migrated years before from Mesopotamia. Undoubtedly Slavs had come at an earlier time, people who are still there to this very day. The family of Abraham thus came to rule over a mixture of people. This, then, was actually nothing less than the first Austrian-Hungarian Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Empire in modern history always enveloped a conglomeration of peoples. Its ancient counterpart was no different.
   In the history of central Europe, Germany proper has been called the Western Reich (empire or kingdom) while Austria has been termed the Eastern Reich. There has always been a division between the two and yet there has also been unity. The culture of Austria has always been distinct from that of Germany. The two may be characterized this way: the Austrians differ from the Germans in much the same way the English do (when speaking in terms of modern elements of culture). That is, the Austrians drink tea not coffee. Vienna is famous for concert halls, Munich abounds in beer Halls. The great classical music of Austria contrasts with the polkas of Germany.
   In other words the Austrian people, both ancient and modern, reflect the influence of Abraham through Susanna and Achaim. They are a mixed population — especially the ruling classes — coming from Shem in two lines. There is the Assyrian part originating with Susanna on the one side. And then there is the Hebrew part stemming from Heber through Abraham. Undoubtedly the refinement in Danubian culture in ancient times was due to the influence of Abraham. An influence which has endured to our day!
   A final significant point: there is no history of the Danubian region of Europe before the time of Abraham. When history, as recorded in the Austrian Chronicle, does open up to shed light on this region, a unique refined culture is in existence. And the first ruler, at this same general time, is none other than Abraham. In short. Austria, as a historical and cultural entity, originated with Abraham. This influence has carried forward through Susanna and the subsequent family of Achaim.
   The factor to bear is mind, then, is that the name of Abraham does appear in an ancient historical source outsize of the Bible — the history of Austria. In fact, the history of Austria begins with Abraham. Again, history proves the Bible true. Once more our reading of the Biblical account takes on rich new meaning.
   What was Abraham before God intervened directly in his life? It is thrilling to realize that now, at least in part, we can know the answer to this intriguing question!

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Publication Date: 1967
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