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On what did the wise man build his house?

Matthew 7:24

On What Day Was Christ Crucified?
The Bible Advocate
December 18, 1928
Volume: Vol LXII No. 48
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On What Day Was Christ Crucified?
Eugene C Callaway  

WEDNESDAY CRUCIFIXION FULFILLS PROPHECY: Continuing the study began last week, the author shows how any other day of the week than Wednesday for the Messiah's crucifixion would have failed to fulfill the prophecy of centuries about the Lamb that was slain. The four Gospels contain altogether a total of eighty nine chapters, of which twenty-nine deal with the last week in the life of Christ. Almost every hour of our Lord's time during this period is minutely accounted for by properly compiling and harmonizing the four Gospels. The importance of this week is realized when twenty nine chapters out of eighty nine deal with this one week out of a total number of one thousand seven hundred and sixteen weeks of this earthly life.

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The Bible AdvocateDecember 18, 1928Vol LXII No. 48