Know The Answer?
After the reign of what King, did the kingdom of Israel become divided.

I Kings 12:20

The JAP PLAN to Conquer the United States
Plain Truth Magazine
August-September 1942
Volume: Vol VII, No.2
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The JAP PLAN to Conquer the United States

HEREIN are revealed the astonishing fads of the Japanese ''Mein Kampf, "the Tanaka Memorial - the JAP Plan to conquer the United States and rule the world. Every American should read about this amazing plot, and how Bible prophecy shows we have gullibly permitted them to launch it - indeed, even aided them unwittingly in preparing for this attack! Few know that the Nazi Plan for a "New World Order" to be ruled by Hitler is a comparative INFANT in the political plots for world rule! Few have known the astounding fact that JAPAN has a Plan for world rule, and that the Japanese plan has been in process of development for the past three hundred and fifty years - in fact that it began with a document dated May 18th, 1592!

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Plain Truth MagazineAugust-September 1942Vol VII, No.2