Know The Answer?
What city did Jesus sorrowfully call the "city that kills the prophets?"

Luke 13:34

Prophesied to Happen to AMERICA and BRITAIN!
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1955
Volume: Vol XX, No.5
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Prophesied to Happen to AMERICA and BRITAIN!

Here is the most astounding prophecy for our time. The future CAN BE KNOWN - God reveals it. YOU can thus know In advance the shocking turn of world events which soon will STAGGER our peoples! This is the concluding installment of Mr. Armstrong's series on the United States and the British Commonwealth in Prophecy which appeared serially in this magazine last year. WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE: We of the United States and the British Commonwealth nations are involved as the central powers in soon-to-occur world-shaking events that will dwarf the first two world wars to insignificance!

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1955Vol XX, No.5