Know The Answer?
What did Pharoah command his people to do with the Israelite babies?
Throw all the boy babies into the Nile.

Exodus 1

HYDROGEN BOMB in Prophecy!
Plain Truth Magazine
October 1955
Volume: Vol XX, No.8
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HYDROGEN BOMB in Prophecy!

The time has come to disclose the real hidden facts about the hydrogen bomb - the facts no government authority can reveal to you because they do not KNOW! The UNKNOWN quantity about the terrifying hydrogen bomb is WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! After all, THAT'S what we all want to know! Will it be used? Where? By whom? And WHEN? Who Knows the Answer? There is only ONE who knows the answers! The Creator - He who MADE the earth, the heavens - all that is - and who now, actively, GUIDES and CONTROLS the destiny of nations and of the whole world - the God this world has ignored and forgotten - He ALONE knows these vital answers to the future - And God Almighty has REVEALED the answers in the prophecies of HIS WORD, the Holy Bible.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1955Vol XX, No.8