Know The Answer?
Where did Saul hide on the day he was made king?
Amongst the baggage.

I Samuel 10:22

What AFRICAN Negroes Expect of AMERICAN Negroes
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1957
Volume: Vol XXII, No.12
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What AFRICAN Negroes Expect of AMERICAN Negroes

The RACE QUESTION continues to boil over. To give you an inside report of what is happening in Africa today, we sent Herman L. Hoeh and Dr. C. Paul Meredith to Africa this past summer. What they found may shock many of you! The American Negro has not been told about what is really going on inside Africa today. He has not been told about what the Negro in Africa expects of him. Nor is the American Negro usually made aware of his responsibility to the millions of his race who live in Africa today. America IS a land of opportunity and living here does impose responsibility on Negroes who enjoy its blessings. Dr. Meredith and I found it necessary to cover about 8,000 miles in Africa. We journeyed by air; by car; by boat; and on foot. We conversed in French with the natives along the Congo River.

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1957Vol XXII, No.12