Know The Answer?
What happened to the dead man the Israelites threw into Elisha's tomb?
He came to life and stood up on his feet.

II Kings 13:21

Pope Paul VI Calls for CHURCH UNITY
Plain Truth Magazine
November 1963
Volume: Vol XXVIII, No.11
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Pope Paul VI Calls for CHURCH UNITY

Will Catholics and Protestants unite? What is the real CAUSE of division among professing Christians? Is the Pope the source of unity? Read what history and Bible prophecies reveal! What may well be this century's most important conclave is now in session behind Vatican walls. Newly elected Pope Paul VI has reconvened, the Second Vatican Council. The purpose: how to achieve "unity in multiplicity." Will the Pope succeed? Rebirth of The Catholic Church. Few realize the asronishing prophetic significance of this Council. Not since the days of Emperor Constantine has the Catholic Church been so stirred as it is today.

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember 1963Vol XXVIII, No.11