Know The Answer?
Of whom does Peter speak of in his address explaining Pentecost?

Acts 2:22

Pope Paul VI to Meet President Johnson?
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1964
Volume: Vol XXIX, No.2
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Pope Paul VI to Meet President Johnson?

Plans for Church Unify have suddenly speeded up. Pope Paul meets Orthodox Patriarch, summons "separated brethren" to unify talks, receives personal letter from U.S. President requesting joint meeting! In three short days - January 4 to 6 - the entire future of Christianity suddenly changed. Three "firsts" were triggered. 1) The first visit in history of a Roman Catholic Pope to Palestine. 2) The first meeting in 500 years between the Roman Pontiff and the Greek Orthodox Patriarch to discuss unity. 3) The first request in history of a United Stares President for Papal blessing on U.S. peace efforts and a personal meeting between the Pope and the President (in an official capacity).

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1964Vol XXIX, No.2