Know The Answer?
From which tribe were the priests appointed?
Tribe of Levi.

Over 5500 Attend Joyous Feast of Tabernacles!
Good News Magazine
November 1959
Volume: Vol VIII, No. 11
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Over 5500 Attend Joyous Feast of Tabernacles!

A thrilling and JOYOUS Feast of God has just ended! God's presence and POWER was felt in the huge new Tabernacle near Gladewater. A TREMENDOUS congregation of over 5500 people thrilled to the inspired sermons at the Feast of Tabernacles this year! Great enthusiasm and JOY was apparent everywhere. Countless times, Mr. Armstrong had to pause in the middle of a happy announcement until the spontaneous applause had subsided. This feeling of love and unity was unusual even for the Feast of Tabernacles! Many commented that it was the best Feast in every way that they had ever attended. This was the SEVENTH Feast of Tabernacles to be held on God's own property near Gladewater, Texas, and God certainly BLESSED His people in an unusual way this year! The sermons brought by God's ministers were the most inspiring and powerful of any year so far. The atmosphere of love and spiritual brotherhood was outstanding. Camping and dining facilities turned out to be excellent for most. And the weather was almost perfect - resulting in fewer colds and sicknesses than in any other Feast of recent years!

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Good News MagazineNovember 1959Vol VIII, No. 11