Know The Answer?
Who supervised at Stephen's death?
Saul of Tarsus.

Acts 7:59

God's Church in Martinique
Good News Magazine
September 1965
Volume: Vol XIV, No. 9
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God's Church in Martinique

Many baptisms, a church established, a local man ordained - read this interesting account of the recent Caribbean tour. THE MERE mention of the Islands of the "Caribbean" gives one a nostalgic desire to travel. It probably brings to your own mind the dramatic pictures you might have seen of these exotic islands that seem to have been planted haphazardly between the USA. and South America. These are islands with green, abundant vegetation, tropical rains, romantic moonlight, and year-round sunshine. But behind this natural beauty there lies a gloomy morbidness! Sickness, misery and poverty lift up their ugly heads as uncontestable witnesses of man's 6,000 years of degeneration. Everywhere on these islands you can sense and feel nature's urgent cry for the restitution of all things...

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Good News MagazineSeptember 1965Vol XIV, No. 9