Know The Answer?
For whom did Moses plead when he said, "Oh, God, heal her, I pray!"

Numbers 12:13

How To Help Your Teen-agers!
Good News Magazine
December 1965
Volume: Vol XIV, No. 12
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How To Help Your Teen-agers!

A growing problem in God's Church today is that of unruly teen-agers. Parents cannot cope with their children when they reach the teen-age. Why should this problem affect God's Church in such great proportions? What can YOU do about it? THE TEENS have been called the dangerous age by many sociologists and child psychologists. They see teen-age as an age of rebellion against authority, of unbridled energy and emotions. Most psychologists have no understanding of the basic principles of dealing with teen-agers. What's more, they know nothing of how a teen-age mind works. In God's Church today many brethren - faithful in rearing their children thru grade school - throw up their hands in utter amazement and frustration when their child reaches teen-age. Why should this be?

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Good News MagazineDecember 1965Vol XIV, No. 12